EXCERPT: Inside Bet by Katie Porter

Tweet Hot men in uniform, strong women daring enough to take them on, and enough steam to fog up your e-reader.  Sound like something you might like?  Welcome to the Vegas Top Guns series, brought to you by a new name in romance – Katie Porter (the combined...

REVIEW: Inside Bet by Katie Porter

Tweet C2’s review of Inside Bet (Vegas Top Guns, Book 2) by Katie Porter Contemporary Romance ebook published by Samhain 28 Aug 12 What happens when two wounded people feel instant chemistry but neither is willing to relinquish control to the other? The very best sort...

REVIEW: Sweet Talk by Julie Garwood

Tweet Veena’s review of Sweet Talk by Julie Garwood Contemporary Romance published by Dutton Adult 07 Aug 12 Julie Garwood delivers contemporary romance with strong, likeable characters and engrossing stories with an element of mystery and suspense that keeps...

REVIEW: Stygian’s Honor by Lora Leigh

Tweet Veena’s review of Stygians Honor (Breeds, Book 27) by Lora Leigh Paranormal Romance published by Berkley 07 Aug 12 Lora Leigh has in this book what could be a very interesting plot line. Phillip Brandenmore injected little baby Amber with a virus which is...