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Book CoverVeena’s review of His Dark Bond (Fallen Angels, Book 2) by Anne Marsh
Paranormal Romance published by Brava 31 Jan 12

His Dark Bond by Anne Marsh is the story of Zer, the leader of a band of fallen angelic warriors who  have been shorn of their wings and cast out of heaven. In order to find their way back to heaven and regrow their wings, these fallen warriors have to find and bond with their soul mates.

Centuries pass and the warriors dip their wicks into every type of sin and depravity possible without any sign of soul mates. Many of the warriors become lost as they surrender to their soul hunger and take the final step of taking human life to feed their emotional vacuum. They begin to think soul mates a myth, until one of their own finds his mate and regrows his wings.

Zer is very close to the edge of losing himself. Now that one of his inner circle is bonded, he wants to insure that his other brothers find their soul mates. This is not easy, as the path to identifying these beings is not clear. However, all is not lost. A short list composed of names of women is found on one of their enemies who have secretly been hunting and eliminating any females who have the possibility of redeeming a fallen warrior. As Zer tries to get ahead of his enemies and save some of these women, he comes across Nessa St. James, whose name is on the list.

Zer races against time and his enemies to find and rescue her so she can bond with one of his brothers and restore his soul. Nessa is a scientist, a reknowned geneticist who has done some tremendous work in DNA and has, in fact, identified a new paranormal species which has a unique DNA string that identifies them as belonging to a thirteenth tribe of Israel. She herself possesses this unique strain.

When she meets Zer, there is an instant connection, but sparks fly between them. Zer fights his attraction to her as he prepares to sacrifice his needs to alleviate his guilt of leading his brothers into falling. Dog-in-the-manger Zer courts Nessa while trying to keep her at arm’s length, since she is intended for one of his brothers. He hosts an elaborate ritual where he asks her to chose and bond with any of the fallen. Surprise! She chooses him and he is unable to resist her allure.

I really enjoyed the blending of fantasy and science in this story. On the one hand, you have a vampyric angel and on the other you have the cool calculating scientist. I look forward to future books in this series that will feature Nessa’s research as the basis for finding the soul mates for Zer’s brothers and seeing each one find their bit of heaven.

Grade: A



Zer is no angel—well, not anymore. He’s explored every flavor of sin imaginable, drinking in the pleasures of humanity. But now he must find the woman who carries his salvation in her very blood…a woman like Nessa St. James.


Nessa has considered the bargain the Fallen offer. Anything she wants in exchange for accepting Zer’s bond? No way. Not her. Not when she finds out about the mind-blowing ritual involved, and the marks of surrender that will ink her skin. But with a serial killer to stop and centuries of experience on his side, this is one job Zer’s going to nail.

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series:

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