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My Top Authors

Wow, that is a mouthful of a topic. I adore reading, I know…shocker. But I read all over too…maybe not such a surprise.

Book CoverWilliam Shakespeare: A master of entertainment in a time when writing something controversial just might land you in a dank prison cell. His prose was complicated and often the joke was in the way he used the words. His work had to stand up to no electricity for sound effects or movie magic. Everything was done through the script or through the art of the written word.

Book CoverGeoffrey Chaucer: Tales every child heard for more than three hundred years. Printed when printing presses were hand set and in some cases only allowed to be used with permission of the Pope. The Canterbury Tales is a remarkable set of stories which once again challenge the reader to understand the jest, when it is made by using different meanings of words. Besides, it’s full of Knightly valor and pokes fun at those who had more ego than honor.

Book CoverGene Rodenberry: Yes, the man who created Star Trek! Maybe he didn’t write books, but his work was shocking. People poke fun at it today, but this man pushed the boundaries of his society. A mixed nationality crew and not just a colored woman…there was an Asian and a Russian, remember this is cold war era.

Book CoverBeatrice Small: My first title of hers was The Kadin and I was hooked. Her stories were complex and my friends and I used to joke about needing to take notes to keep track of the extended families. But I adore her work.

Book Cover

Stephan King: This man has a way of hooking my attention. I don’t even like horror, but I read his books because he has such a clever imagination. He spins his tales in a unique manner and I just keep reading because I want to know where it’s going to end up.

Book Cover

Johanna Lindsey: The very first romance book I ever picked up was one of hers. I was in heaven. Here was the girl who watched Han Solo kiss Princess Leia with wide eyes getting her hands on an entire book about a heart-felt romance. I’ve loved all her books, read a few until they fell apart.

Book Cover

These are only a few authors I read. I love reading historical accounts and those authors may not be well known, but they are among my favorites. Many of my ideas for books, such as Highland Heat, come to me while I’m shifting through the dry dates of some long ago battle for power. Highland Heat is set in 1439, Scotland has a boy king, and everyone was trying to rule through the position of being regnant. I wanted to write the tale of what some of the people living during this time might have done. In spite of the struggles over crown and country, there were still people living their lives. They still fell in love and not always with the person their families wanted. Highland Heat was a chance for me to give one of those couples a happy ending. I hope you enjoy it.

[Ed. Let Mary know your fave authors and two lucky comments will win a copy of her Highland Heat! U.S. and Canada only, please.]