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Sigh. I’ve been trying for a couple of months now to get this Pondering completed and posted. But better late than never applies when life, things, appointments, and everything in general don’t go as you expect. So I hope you’ll read and enjoy my musings, my lessons, and my gushings anyway, even though time got by me.

I’ve been to two Romance Writers of America conferences, San Francisco in 2008 and now Orlando this past July/August. I truly do go to learn more about the craft of writing romance, but I’ve been a reader much longer than I’ve tried to be a writer. After a couple of days of being surrounded by the authors I’ve read over the years, I become a fan. A fanatic Fan Girl.

But a little decorum first.

Most of you don’t know that I am an aspiring writer, a very fledgling one at that with just three years under my belt. Life has been throwing curves at me for the last year or so and my writing has suffered. I am vice president of my local RWA chapter in California and the membership very graciously sent me and our chapter president to this year’s conference.

We needed representation in Florida because it’s been two years since any of our board has to been to a conference. It’s our responsibility to stay on top of what’s happening in the writing industry — you wouldn’t believe all those rules and regs out there even for romance writers — get new ideas for meetings, fundraisers, and anything else that will benefit our members, but as the last year or so started to degrade for me, I also needed this time to reinvigorate myself when it came to my writing. This trip did that for me in spades.

Talking to both published and other aspiring authors puts things in perspective, gives you encouragement, and gets the excitement coursing through those romance veins all over again, you can’t wait to see the words magically appear your computer screen as fast as your fingers can fly over the keyboard. The person who motivated me most of all during that week in Orlando was our keynote speaker, Nora Roberts.

The most prolific romance writer on the planet, Nora pulled no punches in her speech that showcased her discovery of Romance Writers of America at the beginning of her career, the support she found with other authors, and the life-long friends she made during the three decades RWA is now celebrating.

Writing is hard, she told us. It’s supposed to be. Stop thinking about the good old days when it was supposedly easier to get a publishing contract and “ride the hard.” It’s just as hard today as it was ten years ago, ten years before that, and it will still be hard ten years from now.

Today when we have access to the internet, computers, and meetings with our contemporaries, it is easier now compared to typewriters and carbon paper — hell, even White-Out — but the core of writing itself is still hard. So quit whining, jump in the pool and swim. Her speech alone was worth the cost of the entire week for me.

A couple of the workshops I chose to attend were also very helpful. My preference in both reading and writing is paranormal and historical, so as luck would have it, I found a workshop on both, though the historical was really alpha heroes, which included Monica McCarty, Bella Andre, and Jami Alden. Monica writes Scottish historicals and Bella and Jami write contemporaries, and all three authors are masters at the alpha hero, which is my favorite type of hero to read and to learn to write effectively.

Another examples of life-long friends discovered through RWA, these three authors are also critique partners as well as cheerleaders for each other when “the call” still comes through for each of them today. Their idea of the alpha male overlaps at certain points, but they do have their own clearly distinct concept of what constitutes such an alpha romance character. Their talk was not only inspiring, but their friendship, their laughter, their companionship, and their championship of each other was terrific to experience. Great BFFs.

The paranormal panel I chose was quite interesting. Kelley Armstrong, Jeaniene Frost, Terri Garey, Colleen Gleason, Juliana Stone, and C.L. Wilson discussed the differences between paranormal, fantasy, and urban fantasy, including the marketing of each and how that marketing has affected the sales of their books over time.

Aside from the information learned from such best-selling authors as these six, it was nice to see the camaraderie among them considering how differently they all write, from style to genre. And who wouldn’t be in awe when in the same room with such names in romanceland.

Enough decorum for now? Good!

I figured since I had also attended the 2008 conference in San Francisco I shouldn’t be as wide-eyed and awestruck this time around. At the Literacy Signing, the sight of 500 authors in one room is a sight to behold, no matter how many times you see it, and I stood still once again just to look the room over before wending my way through the crowd. This is the one time books come second for a reader, and I had now turned into a reader. Author galore awaited at my fingertips.

But in Orlando I had a few more years of reviewing books behind me, talking to authors online, interviewing them, getting to know them a little better, and I have to say, I was deeply humbled by the thanks I received for my reviews over the years, even for those that didn’t receive a top grade.

Beth Kery summed it up perfectly when she and I met for a drink. She explained she gets more as an author from a C- minus review when the reviewer takes time to explain what did or didn’t work, what’s too much, what’s too little, etc., than an A+ review from a reviewer who doesn’t discriminate book to book, doling out high grades (roses, cups, angels, stars, halos, whatever) every single time with nothing to back it up. I appreciated her insight quite a bit. It’s good to know there are some authors out there who don’t overreact when they receive a lower graded review and they truly take our comments and thoughts about their books to heart.

Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Shana Abe, Jennifer Ashley, Kathryn Smith, Julie James, Lorraine Heath (could go on forever, but I won’t!)….

I got to say hello to so many of my favorites, new and old alike.

Elisabeth Naughton, who’s new Eternal Guardian Series started with a bang with Marked and the second book, Entwined released while she was in Florida, became a favorite of mine with her Stolen series, and her new series is a terrific followup. I love it when debut authors get the kudos they deserve. She was up for a RITA award this year, but, alas, the statuette went to Kate Brady. She’s a winner in my book!

Of course, the place was super crowded, romance lovers roaming all over. Sometimes you had to stand in line just to find out who you were standing in line for. But that’s okay. Knowing someone you really would like to meet after reading their works for so many years is worth the wait. Ask those who have stood in line for Nora Roberts or Sherrilyn Kenyon over the last several years!

A new author I discovered last year is Caroline Fyffe. Her heart-warming historical westerns are full of family, love, danger, and romance. It was a joy to meet her, to put a face with the lovely words she writes.

The Literacy Signing brought in more than $60,000 for different literacy programs in Orlando and Nashville, the original site for the conference before flooding closed the Grand Old Opry Hotel. Romance readers should give themselves a pat on the back for that nice hefty number. Of course, I did my part. Even bought some books I already have because I’d rather have them autographed. Call me crazy, but it had to be done. What manic reader is going bypass an autographed book, for heaven’s sake? LOL I have the TBR mountain to prove it!

Of course, had to have a pic with Monica McCarty. She’s been a terrific friend to our chapter, visiting us this past year and imparting the knowledge and experience she’s gained over her writing career. She’s a terrific lady, giving, funny, strong, and just a delight to talk to. LOL, it looks like I’m standing on tip-toes as Monica’s doing her best to meet in the middle so we’d both be in the picture. She’s also a tall lady! Especially considering I’m quite short!

As a native Californian, I’ve experienced humidity only once, years ago when my family visited New Orleans. We were actually lucky, had only one day that was bad. But it was bad enough that when the relatives we were visiting took us to see Lake Pontchatrain, I stayed in the car. I was not about to suffocate just to look at a lake. So I figured the humidity would get to me in Florida. Seems I was lucky once again.

Though there were a couple of thunderstorms in the late afternoon, my glasses would fog up the second I walked outside the hotel, and I ended up with a nice sheen walking from the Dolphin to the Swan and vice versa – not a huge distance to go, as you can tell from the photo, but far enough – I could at least breathe! And there was no way a little (or a lot!) of humidity was going to keep me from a roomful of authors.

Beth Williamson and I ran into each other several times and we had that look that everyone experiences, “Where do I know you from?” We laughingly pulled our name badges out and the light would dawn for both of us at the same time. “Oh, yeah!” LOL. It was a delight to meet her.

Are you tired of this darned yellow shirt of mine yet?? I swear, you could see me comin’ from a mile away. Well, it helped my chaptermates find me any time we got separated that Wednesday evening. And that happened a lot. We went in three or four different directions quite a bit when one of us found an author we were looking for. With 500 in the room, you can just imagine how difficult it was to keep track of each other. But I digress. More yellow shirt coming up.

I’m a fan of time travel romance, and Melissa Mayhue is one of the best at that genre. She’s another wonderful author who gives back. Our chapter has enjoyed author chats with her, regaling her with question after question after question about the writing industry and her experience, and she patiently answered every single one with grace and kindness. I can honestly say she’s as nice in person as she seems online. This is my second time meeting her and I do hope it’s not my last.

Though all of my pictures are from the signings I attended, which was the first night of the conference, I have to jump ahead to Saturday. That was a good day. And a bad day. First the good since it happened….first.

We’d been running from signing to signing all day, then running to the shipping department at the hotel to ship home all those great books we’d gathered. Needless to say, we were tired and, ummm,  a little sweaty. That night was the RITAs, so a shower and other fixing up was necessary. So we headed back to our room to do just that. There was a phone message waiting and we figured it was our chaptermate wanting to nail down a time and place to meet later. Nope! It was great news – I won a Kobo ereader!

I was actually stunned. I’m one of those who never wins anything like that. A book here and there but not the lottery, not a new car, not a trip, and not an ereader. So you can say I was feeling pretty darned good. It’d been a great week and this was a nice top off, even despite that one bad moment that came right on the heels of my winning news.

Getting ready for the evening ahead, I fell while in the shower! OMG. Couldn’t believe it. It was as fast as can be and I was on the tub bottom. LOL it scared me and my roomie! Twisted the knee really good. That was the initial pain I felt anyway.  But the pain calmed down, I finished my shower, and that’s when I felt more pain. Also twisted a finger on the way down. In fact, it was worse than the knee as time went on. Black, blue, purple and nearly twice its normal size. Couldn’t bend it for anything. But who’s going to let a little discomfort keep them down and out? Not me! Gingerly walked over to the Swan for the awards ceremony, had a terrific time despite it all. Found out the next day that I wasn’t the only one to be beaten by a tub and shower. Author Debra Webb also fell in hers and fared much worse than I did, broken bones and bruises. I hope she’s doing okay today!

Okay, back to the fun stuff.

I also met Nancy Haddock in San Francisco, so it was nice to see her again in Florida. She’s a terrific paranormal author who writes with humor, which, to me , is one difficult thing to do as an author. So I admire her a lot for her talent. I’m very glad I’ve gotten to know her.

Now, you’d think with this conference being held at Walt Disney World that I would have made it to the park to check things out, wouldn’t you? I actually thought I would, especially since I doubt I’ll ever make it back to Florida for another chance. But time and humidity and that darned bum knee kind of nixed the idea of trying to find Mickey for a day or two. And, heck, I’m a California girl. It’s not like I’ve never seen Disney before!

One of my new favorites this year is Alexandra Hawkins. Her Lords of Vice series has been a hit and I”m very happy for her. She had a bit of a letdown at the St. Martin’s signing, though. Someone plugged in the wrong ISBN number and her books never made it to Florida for folks to pick up an autographed copy! 🙁  But I know those readers who met her at the Literacy signing and purchased her books there were very happy indeed.

Well, this Fan Girl’s biggest treats came at the end of the line at the signing. I met Shiloh Walker for the first time. What a special moment that was. She’s become one of my favorite authors over the last few years, so I was very excited to see her on that last row of authors in that huge room. We were able to chat for a few minutes and I’ll remember that for a very long time. She’s also one of the nicest ladies, and that’s saying something when you can discern that with on a few minutes’ conversation.

C.L. Wilson was also at that last table, but I’d been lucky enough to see her earlier the day before when we got to sit and chat for a couple of hours. This woman is one of the most dedicated writers you’ll ever hear about. She began writing 25 years ago, kept her dream to the fore and kept writing despite the rejections received after submitting her Tairen Soul book (yes, book, it was one book in those days!) to publishers. Her tenacity and dedication is simply admirable. Success was a long time in coming, but it is still oh so sweet even after five books on the shelves.

Also at the end of the line that night was Nora Roberts. For those of you who have never been to an RWA conference, the biggies like Nora and Sherrilyn Kenyon and others of their caliber are given tables and space at one end of the room or another for fans to line up. And do they line up. Lines extend down the room for these authors.

It was also near the end of the signing, so Nora was out of books and had no line at that moment. I didn’t need to buy a book from her, I have them all, but figured I’d say hello. I mean, why not? So I did. And as I said hello, I suddenly said to her, “I have to tell you a story.” Have no idea what possessed me, I just remembered this little tidbit right at that instant.

Me: I was recently in my local Goodwill, checking out the books, when all of a sudden a title popped out at me. Promise Me Tomorrow.

NR: I don’t why you guys want that book!

Me: Well, it completes my backlist of your books. I was stunned when I saw it. I know I stood there for a good 30 seconds and just stared at it, wondering if I was truly seeing what I thought I was.

NR: You paid 50 cents for it, right?

Me: Actually, yes, I did!

NR: Good!

LOL we both are very happy about the sale of that book – me for finding it and Nora for the fact I didn’t overpay! I’m going to have to get that one read to see why she thinks it’s only mediocre. And no, I don’t have a picture of me and Nora. Can you believe I forgot to ask for a pic with her? I guess sometimes you have to trade one awesome moment for the next.

That ended the night of 500 authors. I think it was a perfect ending.

I have two more favorites I’d like to share with you. One of these authors I met for the first time a few days after the Literacy Signing and one I met before in San Francisco. These two are a fitting end to the highlights of my trip.

Cynthia Eden has hooked me with her paranormals over the last couple of years, so it was a thrill to meet her and chat with her for a few minutes. I caught her at the end of her signing, so we happily chatted away. She was very gracious in her compliments about my reviews of her books, but my response to that is to thank the author. If they didn’t write such emotional, romantic, sexy, suspenseful, entertaining — and, again, I could go on — books for all of us readers and reviewers, well, there wouldn’t be anything to talk about. So it’s my pleasure, Cynthia.

And finally.

Lisa Kleypas. My goodness, what a sweet woman she is. I was just as excited this time to say hello to her as I was in 2008. She’s been a guest many times here at TGTBTU. She’s a favorite of most every reviewer here,especially Sybil. And I know why. There’s just something about her. Besides her writing. That’s terrific too, of course! Thank you, Lisa, for being so gracious and kind. You truly are one of a kind, and I’m so glad I didn’t have that neon yellow shirt on when we took that pic!

Okay, yeah, my pondering has been me, me, me, me. Well, it was my trip! LOL Sybil wanted me to post something every day while at the conference. I actually thought I might be able to do that. Seriously. And then I got seriously real about halfway into the first day. No way on earth I could have done that, obviously, since in the end I didn’t post a thing from Florida. That’s why you’re getting this Pondering now, all at once, all in one. Especially because I won’t be attending another RWA conference until 2012 when RWA is back in California.

This conference was super special, giving me a new perspective to start writing again and allowing me to see old friends again and meet new ones.

This Fan Girl is ever grateful for that.