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StormI’ve just acquired a Blackberry Storm. Yes, I know some of the problems, but I like it, and I always wanted a Blackberry, okay?Emotion In Motion

My troubles started when I realized I couldn’t get on the Internet. You see, in the UK, the Storm is exclusive to Vodaphone, and I use ASDA, which uses Vodaphone as its provider. Hunky dory, right? Well the phone and the texting works great. But not the Internet. Which means that I can’t read any html files, either.

I tried downloading alternative browsers, but I have to use the desktop app to load them. Got Opera on, but it won’t install because it needs to connect to the Internet, and I can’t connect to the Internet without an independent browser – Catch 22 here. Can’t install Bolt because you have to install it from your phone. Can’t get on the Internet to download it.

Gave up. So I tried my ebooks. I installed Mobipocket, but on the Storm, you only get half a screen. For some reason the keyboard fills the bottom half. I don’t want that, and I have the feeling that if I could get rid of it, that would be my reader of choice. It is on my pda. So for the moment, I’m reading ebooks via Documents To Go, inputting them in Word format. Irritating.

I haven’t found a pda reader that installs via the desktop app. Bah! Adobe Digital Editions for the encoded stuff? Forgettaboutit.

LynneCs iconNow I recall why I used a simple phone for, well, phone calls, and a wireless-ready pda for reading and on the go connections. The Storm is still pretty, I still like it, but I’m still having to use my pda. Because it does what I tell it to. Anybody else got any ideas?

On the other hand, I did get a lovely new cover for my book currently in edits. So that cheered me up a bit. Quite a lot. I managed to get the picture on my homepage on the Blackberry. Well, it’s a new STORM book, so it seemed appropriate.