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Let’s Be Clear Now. First, spelling is important. If you’re a author, or getting paid to write a book, I’m going to have higher expectations for you. I expect you to know how to spell basic words. I’ll provide a list.

freakazoid I am bored, because there is nothing to do. I am never board, because that would be physically impossible. Nor would it make sense. However, I could be boarding someone, boarded, or be boarding up a room. You might have played the game “light as a feather, stiff as a board” as a child. Notice you’re stiff AS a board. Not a board. Or if you were, maybe all those demonic mumblings and rumblings were true… πŸ˜›
You offer someone congratulations. Or shorten it with “congrats.” Never in your life should you say (or write) “congrads.” It not only makes me think of the word “gonads,” but also know that you’re wrong.
Don’t be racist. (Ok so that isn’t a word you need to learn how to spell, but seriously. Don’t be ignorant. I’m going to think you’re a fool, and generally not a really great person.)

Please know the difference between “too” and “to.” I have an opinion too. I am going to post this pondering and share it. Got that?

I know I mess up sometimes. I know my grammar is abysmal. Seriously. I don’t know grammar in any of the three languages in which I had to study/ do intensive grammar exercises. I also have dangling participles, prepositions, or whatever the hell else. I also had a mortifying experience where I typo’d the number of letters in the alphabet. I grew up with two alphabets as it were, one with 37 components, and one with 26. I pretty much learned to two concurrently, but it still doesn’t excuse me for saying the English alphabet has 27 characters. Don’t worry, I was seriously mocked. I can now look at it wryly, but I was really upset and mortified at the time. Er, also I obviously love sentence fragments. Oftentimes I post the way I speak. I assure you, I’m vastly entertaining. :mrgreen:

There is a difference between the words “there” “they’re” and “their.” Learn it, love it. (And please don’t even mix tier in with those words.)
Ain’t” isn’t a word. “A lot” is two different words.
You passed the ball. You passed the street. You did not pasted the house. You did not past the street. You may go past something, but you did not past it. You may have pasted the two sheets of paper together, as in you took paste (glue) and adhered two separate items together. However, you did not glue yourself to [the house]. Thanks.
I will allow the use of “kneeled” – although I generally prefer “knelt.” The same goes with “leaped” and “leapt” though this is more open. “He leaped after the ball” is fine.
word poison

Personally, I *hate* the excessive use of “I’ll not” in erotic romances. I actually get angry. Yes I do. I think the next time I hear someone, in real life, use the phrase naturally, I’ll give them a dollar. Honest – I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say “I’ll not” in real life. Ever. (Obviously, this precludes all future internet usage because I’ll know, or at least think you saw this post. And notice I don’t dislike the use of “I’ll” – I don’t like “I’ll not.”)

Do a quick study between the words “affect” and “effect.” I realize that at times they honestly are properly interchangeable. Nevertheless, I’m willing to say an equal amount of the time … they are not.

Do your research. If you’re going to wax poetic or brilliant about say, Classical mythology? I’m going to need you to get it right. Might I suggest Bullfinch’s Mythology? If I recall correctly, it’s a pretty accurate translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.

Please, unless you’re writing in vernacular (and while you’re at it- try to limit that), do not drop the “g” from the end of your words. If that is how you speak formally… *sigh*

Don’t make plural words… plural. Freshmen is more than one freshman. “Freshmans” is you about to get slapped. The same goes for mices. Geeses. However, use of “indices” is not only allowed, it is encouraged.

If you tell me we don’t all know the difference between “whine” and “wine” I might cry.

While” and “wile” are different. A heroine might seduce the hero with her wiles. She might also wile away the time, waiting for him. However, this might take awhile. [Also, apparently “stay for awhile” is strictly verboten. While we’re waiting for said hero, let’s look to something else.)

Clever, and cleaver, are two vastly different words. For example, I might hope that someone thinks this is a clever post. I would also pray that no one take a cleaver to me for writing it.

paper You’re going to a website. It is a site. Like a building location. Websight would… be some strange sort of psychic ability tied to the internet that nobody has yet discovered. Or mentioned. However, if you’re going to quote something from a book, you are citing it. If you get a traffic ticket, generally that is a citation.
You have a stake in a company. You grill a steak. Capiche?
You might bare your thoughts to the world. Then you would bear the burden of everyone knowing them. You would not bear yourself, unless you’re secretly a paranormal, ursine shifter.

And guess what? It’s “you’re welcome.” As in, “you are welcome.” “Your welcome” would be… what you got when your friends greeted you at the door once you arrived at the party. Because that was a welcome, and it belonged to you. You responding to someone thanking you should have “you’re.”

One that really gets me is “then” and “than.” I am going to post this pondering. I am then going to be upset if I find mistakes because I will feel stupid. However, I might still find that more preferable than not having this posted at all. πŸ™‚ I try to use examples when teaching my kids too. Hee. (Er – let me also add that when I say “my kids” I mean the 4th and 5th grade at risk inner city kids I teach once a week. πŸ˜‰ That’s how I get my street cred.)

If you offer me a giant check, I am going to accept it. I will never except it, because… well frankly I don’t know how that would work. Not that I really understand commercial paper anyway – but hey – it doesn’t seem like our bankers do either! Yay!

Pour, pore, and poor is a grouping I wouldn’t have even though needed to be mentioned, but a friend brought it up and I realize that I have seen it misused. I am poor. I have pores. I will pour water, down the drain, much like the government.

Now, I will say I don’t mean typos. Like “hvae,” or “wil lsay” those are clearly whoops of the keyboard. I’ll let “tose” slide too.

When someone is here, standing next to me, I can hear them if they whisper. Someone will never be hear by me. However, said person might be heard.

I’m taking a break. While going to the store on said break, I might have to brake for a red light. Or a stop sign. I will never have a brake, other than in some sort of vehicle.

All of these are merely things I’ve noticed. It’s a mere pondering. It’s not a mare, that’s for sure, because I haven’t seen a horse online for a while now.
I could care less” makes my skin shrivel. This was a suggestion provided by a friend – and I wish I could record him. He has the most scathing tone – it’s quite a set down when he slams you. You likely could care less. You should be saying, “I couldn’t care less.” (Assuming you’re trying to say you don’t care- which is when the phrase, both properly and mistakenly is used.)
Proceeded and preceded are different words.
Right and rite are also different. I’m right handed. I have a right to do certain things under the law. Some of those rights allow me to perform rites, if I so choose.
Also, beat, and beet. I honestly didn’t believe this one. Was incredulous. But it came from a friend who works for the prosecutor. I guess the mistake is commonplace.

There. I’m done. I’m sure a missed a few that will make me go “O_O” but I think this is a pretty comprehensive list.

Oh wait –“tail” and “tale,” are different. Very much so. Though someone constantly telling tales, especially about people, might have a tail to go with that forked tongue…