Where will YOU bes @ 2pm today (Aug 9, 2009)? hmmm
Wellllll let me tell you where you should be, if at all possible, if you are a romance author in the making or a fan of the awesomeness that is Sherry Thomas.
hmmm First we need music! yes I know you have never heard of this song, you should have bought A Spanner in the Works when it came out. Sez I. You can go do it now while picking up your copy of Delicious by Sherry Thomas if you haven’t done so already and can’t make today’s event. (bah, it will take you to the site and you have to press play, then you can finish your reading pleasure with the delicious sound of rod. or you know not… and can skip it… song has zip to do with the book other than it plays in my head every time I hear the title of the book and figured I would share the earworm)

You need to be here:
Barnes & Noble Booksellers Arboretum
10000 Research Blvd #158
Austin, TX 78759
BECAUSE @ 2pm Sherry will be “hosting a workshop on ‘Writing a Fabulous Query Letter‘” and how could you soon to be authors miss that? Why will Lawson and I be there? Well to heckle of course! err I mean support! And to tell you guys all about it. Cuz we can. Tis good to be a duckie…
I think there will be book signing after Sherry talks but I could be wrong. But I know if you were to say ‘Sherry can you sign this” I am pretty sure she would. And we will be buying a copy to have her most awesomeself sign and give away to someone who comments in this thread.
How easy is that?
You can twitter along with Sherry here, blog here, & keep up with what is new in her writing here aka her website.
Sherry will also be apart of the “Levy/Meijer Bus Tour, signing books at nine Meijer stores across Michigan (Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Ann Arbor, and Detroit) September 19-21, 2008″ ::sniff:: They need to do it in Texas, sez me. But woot for Wendy’s hometown (I think, if that isn’t wrong I blame the seizure for keeling what few brain cells I had left. Work with me here people). Need to find duckies or peeps to go to this and report on it. Lawson, member me I need to do that. K?
Yep, that Levy/Meijer bus tour is hitting my hometown. Alas Super Librarian will not be there as I now live on the other side of the country. ::sniffle::
Yay you guys went! I need to get a copy of Delicious… good thing I plan on hitting some bookstores soon. Interesting on the MI tour. Sounds fun.
Too far away for me to flock over, my wings can’t take it. But I just got my copy of the book, so off to read it now.