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sl_thumbnail.jpgYou have most likely not noticed but I have been going through and cleaning up old posts. Cleaning up? Yes, as in reformating, retagging, taking out the fucking smartquotes from hell….

What does this mean to you, dear blog reader? Not much. Other than you may have to suffer through some “Retro” posts because I amuse so damn easy. I have been deleting some of the old posts. Mostly the posts like this one *g*. Or the ‘I am bored, what cha’ doing type posts.

Why? Because since I am doing this, ten to one I am about to break something. See there is this update for wordpress and there is this button that is just MOCKING ME. Saying hit me sybil, you know you wanna… touch touch touch the upgrade button.ย  But if that happens and I end up having to do this again (for the 5th? 6th? time) I figured I would make it less posts to screw with later.ย  Hopefully I will NOT press the button.

I know doing this will most likely break the plug in or something stupid. But I so waaaantttttt to press the button :(.

The pig is MIA. I fear he has been roasted. If you see him let me know for I worry (tis my mom in me). The geek would have to learn how to fix it before he could fix it. Gwen is over ran with work. So if I break that would be bad.

Hopefully when all is said and done everything will be searchable and the archive will be a think of beauty. Or I will break it and go to a completely different templete and confuse the fuck out of everyone.

yep situation normal…


A Few Q’s if you don’t mind…

qsmall.jpgI have been playing with the sidebar for a few days. As we are almost always running some kind of contest madness does it help to have links on the sidebar or does that not work either?

qsmall.jpgThe covers in the sidebar are because they amuse me, I think they are pretty or the book is a being featured cuz a duckie liked it. If you have sent an email wanting to advertise – thank you. But at this time, as much as it annoys a few, we don’t sell space. We might in the future, it is one thing I am thinking of doing with that ‘google ads’ box that is just sitting there taking up space (since I have never signed up for google ads ๐Ÿ™‚ ). So your emails have gone in a nifty folder and I do plan to answer them. And if that changes you will be the first to know.

qsmall.jpgWhat do you think of excerpts? Gwen tries, and tries, and tries to get an excerpt for every review because she sees them as so important to deciding to buy a book or not. Do you read them? Pass over them? Careless about them?

I think I have decided (finally) that this will be the new banner… what cha think? Like? Hate? Leave it as is? Suggestions?

New Banner