I unashamedly stole this from Madelynne Ellis’ blog!

The Regency Romance Quiz: What kind of Romance Heroine are you?

My dear girl, you are clearly On the Shelf. You are unmarried and in your mid-twenties. You are intelligent and sensible, but quiet, and consider yourself plain. You have had several Seasons, but never received an offer, or perhaps you refused the offers you received. The reason for this is that you have always loved the man you danced with shortly after you came out at 18. He, of course, never returned your affections, or even knew about them, and is probably courting your sister. Nevertheless, he always seems to like you, and treats you much as he treats his sisters. Your love for him is immediately evident to everyone else, especially his sister, aunt or mother, who think you are the best possible wife for him. This attitude may prove either helpful or difficult, depending on how much the author likes you. When an accident befalls, your calm practicality and ability to stitch up wounds impresses him, and all of a sudden he finds himself noticing the way your smile transforms your face, lighting your eyes and making you quietly beautiful. His interest and appreciation will quickly turn to love, but he will have to spend the rest of the novel trying to convince you that his affection is genuine and not a result of pity.
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Oh, Good Grief… I’m one of THOSE heroines! But, I don’t know, maybe I’ll be lucky and my author will make that bastard GROVEL to prove his love for me. hee
So, which Heroine are you? Take the quiz!
I’m sorry, my dear, but you are Quite Unsuitable. You are intelligent, beautiful and witty, but your father was in Trade. Or your uncle owns a gaming house. Or your brother shot himself on inheriting the estate and discovering that there was no money. You may even have been born on the wrong side of the blanket. Certainly, you are Not Quite Respectable, and will not be invited to Society parties. Fortunately for you, the man of your dreams can see past your apparent ineligibility, and is rich and powerful enough to make it stick. Although he may at first offer you an establishment of the most irregular kind (which I hope for your sake you will refuse), his thoughts will soon turn to marriage. His family, however, will be less convinced of your virtues, and they may do their best to make your life miserable when they realise he is courting you. You are, of course, too noble to let him harm his reputation by marrying you, and will probably run away from him and into trouble at least once during the novel before agreeing to marry him at the end.
Ashley! How scandalous! 😉
Here’s mine. How sad…
Oh dear, you are Bookish, aren’t you? You are a highly intelligent and witty bluestocking, whose beauty is hidden behind spectacles. Your dress sense is eccentric and a little unfashionable, and you consider yourself plain. You have very little use for men, who find your knowledge of Shakespeare, interest in politics and forthright speech formidable. You are undoubtedly well-off. The only reason for your presence in a novel of this kind (which, I might add, you would not dream of reading, although you have occasionally enjoyed the works of Miss Austen), is your mother, who is absolutely determined that you will make a good marriage. Rather than defying her directly, you are quietly subversive, dancing with anyone who asks you, but making no attempt to hide your intellectual interests. The only person who can get past your facade is the man who is witty enough to spar with you, and be amused at your blatant attempts to scare your suitors away. While you will, no doubt, subject him to a gruelling cross-examination to find out whether his respect for your intelligence is real or mere flattery, you may be sure that he is your match, and that you, he AND your mother will all live happily ever after
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Sad for me too, Gwen. Just like you!
I’m sorry, my dear, but you are Quite Unsuitable. You are intelligent, beautiful and witty, but your father was in Trade. Or your uncle owns a gaming house. Or your brother shot himself on inheriting the estate and discovering that there was no money. You may even have been born on the wrong side of the blanket. Certainly, you are Not Quite Respectable, and will not be invited to Society parties. Fortunately for you, the man of your dreams can see past your apparent ineligibility, and is rich and powerful enough to make it stick. Although he may at first offer you an establishment of the most irregular kind (which I hope for your sake you will refuse), his thoughts will soon turn to marriage. His family, however, will be less convinced of your virtues, and they may do their best to make your life miserable when they realise he is courting you. You are, of course, too noble to let him harm his reputation by marrying you, and will probably run away from him and into trouble at least once during the novel before agreeing to marry him at the end.
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Ashley, I’m unsuitable too! LOL, at least we have a good time!
Well, you already know mine, but here goes again…
Dearie me, you are a Hoyden! You may have brothers, but it is most likely you are the indulged only daughter of an affectionate father and a mother who died when you were an infant. You have been known to wear breeches, refuse to ride sidesaddle and know how to use a pistol or a rapier. There is a distinct possibility that you will become embroiled with smugglers. You are definitely cheeky and fearless. Your hero will at first mistake you for a boy, but his inexplicable attraction to you will lead him to deduce that you are in fact female. He will be torn between his respect for your daring and skill at manly pursuits, and his irrational yet intense fear for your safety, which will manifest itself in him becoming very angry with you. You will, of course, not recognise the fear beneath his anger, and will shout right back at him – there is a good possibility things will turn steamy at this point. The situation will resolve itself either in you taming your wild ways because you can’t bear to cause him concern, or in you rescuing him, leading to a compromise in which he recognises and respects your abilities, and you take fewer risks. Let us hope it is the latter.
That just proves I would never make it in the regency era…maybe thats why I usually avoid those books lol
I get to be unsuitable and run away from my love a few times too! Go figure. The story of my life.
I’m sorry, my dear, but you are Quite Unsuitable. You are intelligent, beautiful and witty, but your father was in Trade. Or your uncle owns a gaming house. Or your brother shot himself on inheriting the estate and discovering that there was no money. You may even have been born on the wrong side of the blanket. Certainly, you are Not Quite Respectable, and will not be invited to Society parties. Fortunately for you, the man of your dreams can see past your apparent ineligibility, and is rich and powerful enough to make it stick. Although he may at first offer you an establishment of the most irregular kind (which I hope for your sake you will refuse), his thoughts will soon turn to marriage. His family, however, will be less convinced of your virtues, and they may do their best to make your life miserable when they realise he is courting you. You are, of course, too noble to let him harm his reputation by marrying you, and will probably run away from him and into trouble at least once during the novel before agreeing to marry him at the end.
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Really like that shocks anyone
The Regency Romance Quiz: What kind of Romance Heroine are you?
Dearie me, you are a Hoyden! You may have brothers, but it is most likely you are the indulged only daughter of an affectionate father and a mother who died when you were an infant. You have been known to wear breeches, refuse to ride sidesaddle and know how to use a pistol or a rapier. There is a distinct possibility that you will become embroiled with smugglers. You are definitely cheeky and fearless. Your hero will at first mistake you for a boy, but his inexplicable attraction to you will lead him to deduce that you are in fact female. He will be torn between his respect for your daring and skill at manly pursuits, and his irrational yet intense fear for your safety, which will manifest itself in him becoming very angry with you. You will, of course, not recognise the fear beneath his anger, and will shout right back at him – there is a good possibility things will turn steamy at this point. The situation will resolve itself either in you taming your wild ways because you can’t bear to cause him concern, or in you rescuing him, leading to a compromise in which he recognises and respects your abilities, and you take fewer risks. Let us hope it is the latter.Take this quiz!
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Oh dear. We DO seem to have an unusually large contingent of chits who are either hoydens or completly unsuitable.
Why does this not surprise me? 😀
BTW, did any of you click the “See all results” button? (it won’t let me link directly) Fun to read through them. The creator of the quiz sure nailed the archetypical Regency heroines!
How unfortunate! You are an Impoverished (but very Selfless) Noblewoman. You work (gasp!) as a governess, a paid companion or, perhaps (shockingly!), a private investigator. Your main priority is looking after your family since your parents died, tragically, in a carriage accident when you were only 18. You are the sole support of your young siblings, who may include a brother who is destined for Eton and a beautiful sister for whom you are determined to organise a Season. You are sensible, practical and determined, and you do not see yourself as marriageable. Indeed, you havent given much thought to your own future at all. The Duke or Marquis, distantly related to the family you work for will notice your unassuming beauty, and be stirred by your courage and your valiant attempts to keep your family together. Alas, the life of a woman without protection can be a dangerous one, and he will undoubtedly have to rescue you from some blackguard, winning your heart with his kindness and courtesy to you and his obvious delight in your siblings. He may even try to aid you financially, but your pride will cause you to reject his help. Fortunately, he will eventually recognise his love for you and marry you, taking the education and establishment of your siblings on his own broad and doubtless muscular shoulders.
All the choices are far too genteel for my jaded and depraved taste. So I wrote my own. Behold:
Sherry–Ha! That’s hilarious!
I’m a bookish bluestocking. Not really surprised.
MISS THOMAS! Your wickedness is clearly beyond the pale! It’s quite clear that I will need to maintain a close observation on any further products of your scandalous imagination!
Hehe – fun. And I can’t possibly write anything that tops Sherry, so mine’s straight from the quiz.
The Regency Romance Quiz: What kind of Romance Heroine are you?
Oh dear, you are Bookish, aren’t you? You are a highly intelligent and witty bluestocking, whose beauty is hidden behind spectacles. Your dress sense is eccentric and a little unfashionable, and you consider yourself plain. You have very little use for men, who find your knowledge of Shakespeare, interest in politics and forthright speech formidable. You are undoubtedly well-off. The only reason for your presence in a novel of this kind (which, I might add, you would not dream of reading, although you have occasionally enjoyed the works of Miss Austen), is your mother, who is absolutely determined that you will make a good marriage. Rather than defying her directly, you are quietly subversive, dancing with anyone who asks you, but making no attempt to hide your intellectual interests. The only person who can get past your facade is the man who is witty enough to spar with you, and be amused at your blatant attempts to scare your suitors away. While you will, no doubt, subject him to a gruelling cross-examination to find out whether his respect for your intelligence is real or mere flattery, you may be sure that he is your match, and that you, he AND your mother will all live happily ever afterTake this quiz!
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