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Karen Knows Best

UPDATE – She’s BAAAAAAACK!  Go visit our friend and compatriot, Karen Scott at her blog, Karen Knows Best.  C’mon.  You know you want to.  Even the person who appears to have too much time on her hands and nothing better to do than cyber-stalk – you know who you are.  Though, perhaps you shouldn’t stop, because you are driving some good traffic for Karen’s site.  So, Never Mind!

No – this isn’t a review of a Nancy Drew book.  It’s a note from our fellow blogger, Karen Scott, on the state of her site, Karen Knows Best… 

“Hi folks, Karen Scott here, unfortunately, my blog designer is having issues with her hosting company, something to do with overloading the bandwidth, thus they’ve suspended her accounts without any prior warning (how very effing rude?).

She’s trying to get things sorted, but unfortunately the jobsworths that she’s been speaking to aren’t much help.

Anyway, the blog will be back as soon as she kicks them up the arse. Or even better, asks for her money back, and moves elsewhere.

Whatever happened to good customer service? Sheesh.

Thanks for your patience.

Karen Scott”