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Book Cover

Harper Collins has decided that it may be good publishing business to offer some books free online. Read the whole story before you decide, but it could make some business sense. Why not offer part of a book, or even a whole book, online for people to preview so they can start lusting after it and then go buy it?

I know there are some music sites that do this, give you a 30-second or a minute listen to a song and then, if you like it, you can buy it or even the whole album. The idea of prelistening or previewing a book online could help boost internet sales too. Why not read the book, then order it from Amazon if you like the first few chapters?

Book Cover

The bottom of the article mentions the next book by Victoria Alexander, The Perfect Wife, will have the first fifth put online for people to read. All the books Harper Collins is putting online seem to appeal to a cross section of the reading populace, giving access to a little bit of everything. I’m definitely all for encouraging reading and doing what you can to get people to buy books.

Let’s see how it actually works though. 😉

[Edit from Gwen:  How is this any different than online excerpts, I wonder, except perhaps a little bit longer excerpt (which I LOVE  LOVE  LOVE)?  This sounds like a marketing approach to me, to make it sound like they’re doing something nifty neat and wonderful, when it’s actually relatively normal.  Come to think of it, I’ve written marketing campaigns like that…]