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glittersyb-by-mlleelizabeth.jpgI hope you are enjoying the Daffy Dazes of Duodecimalness around The Good, The Bad and The Unread. Because there are a ton more.  And because it is amusing the hell out of us.

I wish I could say it was the holidays that sparked the idea. There is much said about the reader/author divide and I often think that is bullshit. It isn’t so much as we don’t get along, understand each other’s wants, or care about one another, as it is some people are just fucknuts.

Without readers, authors would have no one to buy their books and without authors we would have no books! Add in the editors, publicists, reviewers and just about anyone who calls publishing home or a hobby and you have one hell of a force.

No one can mock us without us allowing it, their opinion means nothing more than ours to them. No one needs to stamp “Approved” across a sexual fantasy regardless of if it is male or female. One person’s squick is another’s squee. Fiction doesn’t define us, we define our fiction.

And from here, romance is looking pretty grand. Is it the Holiday Spirit? Maybe… but I don’t think so. We can get our rant on, be too serious, be too fluffy, be too short, be late, be wrong, be silly, have too many events, but most of all we aim to just have much fun. I hope we amuse you too and if we don’t, the great thing is the community has someone who will.

Duodecimal (Gwen’s awesome title) was a 1am idea I had while…


yep, shopping for books….

I thought Harlequin has a swell idea, shook it up, and sent out an email. I sent to a very random mix of people, which sadly seems to have been spamed for some. I expected a decent response but nothing like what we got. Maybe it is because we are silly-fun, short-attention-spanned, distracted-by-the-shiny, avid readers with a love for the genre, and people like that.  Whatever the reason, authors and others, I thank you:

1. For being able to not take yourself so seriously you lose sight of the point of the genre – Happy Ever After.

2. For being willing to put so much work into events, sometimes on very short notice.

3. For loving Romance as much as we do.

4. For being willing to share your time – be it away from writing, work, school, or managing your home and kids.

5. For sharing your thoughts, opinions and views… making the reading experience that much more of a pleasure.

6. For loving the ducks as much as we do.

7. For checking out new authors, in new-to-you genres, and making the time and effort they put into guest author days, posts and contest informative, rewarding and fun.

8. For putting up with our changes in style, format, and being understanding while I try and figure out how the hell to fix the CPU SUSPEND thing.

9. For knowing a review of a book isn’t a review of you.

10. For understanding mocking is fun, there is no ‘art’ to snark, and that Heathers was a movie, not a blogger code.

11. For getting discussion doesn’t have to equal ‘blogwar.’

12. For reading romance and being damn proud of it (man titty and all) because all of the meanie/fangrrl/snarky/asskissing/bitter/happy/smartbitchy/avidduckies makes the romance community what it is and I am thrilled to have a small part of it.

An extra special feather in the cap for all the authors who were guests. I know I expect a ton of people, thank you for coming through again and again.

And to all the people who have helped with the blog, I can’t say thank you enough. The Good, The Bad and The Unread wouldn’t be what it is without you guys. I know I often say I get by with a little help from my friends… but I truly, truly mean it. ::sniff:: I love you, (wo)man.

This is totally a labor of love for me and we aren’t even gonna get into how much time I spend on this thing. But without Gwen, Lawson, Bev, Connie, Devon, Alicia, Sandy M, and all the others, TGTBTU wouldn’t be half as swell as it is.

So we hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

Now, back to the Duodecimally wonderful lists…holly.jpg