REVIEW: Unmanned by Lois Greiman

Tweet Connie’s QQ review of Unmanned by Lois Greiman Mystery published 06 Nov 07 by Dell Psychologist Christine McMullen seems to have a lot of people trying to kill her, of course her family is reason enough. Mostly she just needs to get laid but our cop is...

Legally Quacked: Sandy M

Tweet Sandy M’s Daydream Once upon a time a TGTBTU reviewer was a young (snort!) girl named Sandy who lived in a lighthouse on the California coastline. Sandy loved to read thanks to an elementary school teacher. She loved Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew as a kid,...

Review: All Through the Night by Suzanne Brockmann

Tweet Alicia’s review of All Through the Night by Suzanne Brockmann Romantic Suspense published hardcover 30 Oct 07 from Ballantine This is the spot where I say why I picked up the book. Duh. I’ve been waiting to read Jules’ story for years. All...

Movie Review: “Enchanted” directed by Kevin Lima

Tweet Gwen’s review of Enchanted directed by Kevin Lima Live-action/animated movie released 21 Nov 07 by Andalasia Productions I saw this film this weekend with my 8-year old daughter.  We went on a complete whim.  We just left her father at the airport so he...

The Forecast Calls for Winners…

Tweet C O N G R A T S Stacy S Pam P Laura J Darla RandomRanter Please email us your address info to get your copy of Forecast by Jane Tara. Remember these are coming from Dorchester so they will be unsigned. Thanks for playing! And thanks to Dorchester for the great...