spheres-starwars.jpgEveryone loves a good trilogy don’t they?

Tracy Anne Warren’s first book of her second back-to-back trilogy just released. Monica McCarty’s first trilogy is out now and she is working on her next trilogy to be released back-to-back. Nicole Jordan, Celeste Bradley (Heiress Brides), Susan Mallery (Bakery Sisters), and Brenda Novak (Last Stand) each have a series releasing back to back in 2008.

This doesn’t even count the back to back release of the next two in Christina Dodd’s Darkness Series, Virginia Kantra next two in the Children of the Sea and Sabrina Jefferies was talking about maybe having back to back releases in 2009. (wasn’t it nice of her to make Let Sleeping Rogues Lie cover go so well with the blog… tis a SHAME I haven’t read said book yet… just saying).

I don’t think I like this back to back trend thing. I am all for whatever gets us more romance novels and it is good for my OCD. You close the book and can’t wait for the next story, only to find out ‘next’ comes out in a year. But I hate a trend. The need for everyone to jump on it until they kill it.

I hate the hurry up and then wait. After the author spends a year or so killing herself to get three books out back to back, then what? Another year or so before we see her again? Will that be ok because we always buy more books than we can read, so even if the books come out back to back, we won’t get to them that quickly.

Which leads me to the thought how fast will it be before used book stores kill this trend? Or will they? It is one thing to have been waiting forever for a book to release. Readers will rush out and buy the book new so they can finally spend some time in a favorite world again with favorite characters. But what if you just finished the book and well the next one is out now. Do you go on to the next book in the TBR mountain and wait or rush out and buy it new?

And how long until the authors can’t keep up with the pacing. Will the quailty of the novels drop? Will interest in the authors work fall off in the long ass wait for the next rush of books? But most of all isn’t it time for a western trend in romance? I mean really that would rock! Unless the books sucked then all bets would be off.

So what do you guys think of the feast or famine? A trend a coming in romance? Or one that will burn itself out quickly?