THIS tall

Do you remember the first time you stood up in front of the sign that said “You have to be this tall to ride this ride”? That amazing feeling that you were now all growed up?


Eh, me neither, of course I don’t recall most of yesterday so that tells you something about my memory. Anyway the line has been running through my mind because it seems that if you are an author – once you grow tall enough – all bets are off.

But if you are still too short, if you don’t reach that line, then regardless of your actions you are suppose to get a free pass. Even better if you are too small of a fish we throw you back AND you get to eat the big fish if you catch them.

Doesn’t seem right to me. I am the first person to say I am not the nicest people in the world. In fact I have never ever claimed to be. So maybe I don’t get the nice girl code and I need someone to explain it to me. Slowly in small words.

Is there a dollar amount an author needs to hit in sales that make her a free for all? Do you have to have X number of fangrrls? Or maybe it is in the number of books you contract?

Someone needs to tell me this super sekret rules. Is it that sucessful author x is too big to care what newbie author x thinks? Bam has pretty much stopped reviewing but she was ok with reviewing JR Ward. Why? Of course I think she should review anyone and am not saying I think she shouldn’t have reviewed Ward.

Unknown e-book author Rene Lyons has no issue dishing it out on JR Ward or comparing her writing to the bestselling author. On the blog Bookbinge Casee talks about Ward’s character Blay being maybe gay (whole other post for another time, but I still don’t get why that would be a big deal since Blay is ‘growing’ up and it happens but whatev). Rene sez:

Clearly, Ward has lost whatever grip she might have still had on reality.

I really get a kick out of the whole “messenger” thing. We, as writers, think up our characters no matter how real they might seem to us. I swear she’s gotten seriosuly creepy the deeper she dives into her little fantasy world.

Holly, can you imagine if went all Ward with my Templars? You’d come here and put your foot up my ass and kick me back to reality! lolol

Now this is her opinion. Her right to say. “I” do have issue with it because of her past behavior but whatever, she is a big girl and can dish on whoever she wants. But me being me, I did comment on it, oddly enough on topic (unlike others) with the post and addressed another comment and also said:

And geeze rene isn’t it about time you get over the bitter and trying to compare yourself to ward?

Bitchy? Sure, why not. Deserved? OMG yes. Now all is well and good but the thing that I thought odd was the following comment by Zeek. She sez to me:

Nice slamdance on Rene. Real nice.

I don’t get it. Why is it ok for Rene to “slamdance” JR Ward but if she is called on it that is teh mean?

So I ask you kind readers, help a girl out, just how does a blogger know what authors are A’OK to slamdance and which ones we shouldn’t? When did calling someone on an action they really did a ‘slamdance’? And while we are at it… what the fuck IS a slamdance?

enquiring bloggers wanna know…