bad repWe could talk of roads to hell and all that but really that seems to be a topic well in hand.

Oh I lie, I do have a comment or two, I will be short. The act itself I see no need to discuss because:
Plagirist = bad

I would suggest reading the thread for just the entertainment value of the comments.

My questions are: [the ‘you’ being general of course]

Why would being stupid and allowing yourself to be [repeatedly] ‘scammed’ make you not responsible for your actions?

If you claim to own something, claim to be a writer, claim to be telling the story of your heart, pimp your name all over the place to help others [for a fee of course] find their inner writer then ‘discover’ [nudge nudge, wink wink] your ‘work’ is someone elses and suddenly need to out the fact you forgot to mention you paid a ghost writer for your soon to be SELF published novel that came from your heart and hardwork [paypaling is work too].

do i
You do all this and I am suppose to cry you a fucking river. WHY? Color me all sorts of shades of heartless but the fact that you were screwed while trying to screw other people seems all good and well to me.

Karma is a bitch.

Of course I am on the side of cynical and think something is rather rotten in denmark. But nine out of ten times I think that and I have been wrong a few times. So…

I can not understand for the life of me why the chick from Writer Beware is singing Hill is a bad bad man so don’t be mean to the stoopid. He seems to also be an invisible evol man who has taken advantage of many but is so clever no one knows what he looks, even though he escaped very bad things happening to him for his evol deeds by paying back some of the many people he screwed.

Ok that isn’t really what she is saying but what I took away from the post was comments at Dear Author are bad and kicking a ::cough:: innocent who was taken advantage of [repeatedly and willingly cuz ya’ll she gots the emails to prove it] so cut her some slack.

Nope. Not I. I can’t even understand why that is ok. And the general ‘chatter’ of ‘bestsellers’ getting ghosts ALL THE TIME. ‘Everyone’ knows this, ‘nobody’ cares stuff is bullshit. Name me some names or shut up about it. It we are talking celeb books where people get shocked to know the ‘star’ didn’t write their book, ok, fine. Yes people are drinking from the fountain of stupid in big gulps.

But it seems ‘people’ are meaning best selling authors ghosting their work with no credit. I could buy that idea and if I KNEW someone was I wouldn’t read them. I would be annoyed. I would call bullshit. Other than the feakish sells of VC Andrews [really who are you people buying him/her] I don’t know of anyone. Tell!

I digress, really my biggest issue with the whole thing would be the selling of her ‘hardships’ in life as a reason to buy her work or excuse her fuck up(s). I am very sorry if your life has thrown you. It is great you can over come it. If your book is about that struggle or even fiction based on it… lets call it a novel for grins. I can see riding the wave of look at poor me.

I care by ktblle
But we are talking sci-fi fantasy here a writers sad tales of [repeated] woe shouldn’t mean shit. The idea behind it, the amount of very, very, bad things that have happened to this person over and over and over and over spell to me she is an attentionwhore. The way she has gone about it screams she is lying. The fact that she thinks no one should question ‘because I could DIE and my blood would be on your hands’ sort of tells you accountiblity factor there. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy much?

Of course I have been on the internet too long and seen to many people put too much effort into ‘killing’ themselves so they can watch the drama online. The fact I have watched it play out more than once with great time, effort and sadly no fucking computer skills to pull it off, has jaded me. I don’t give money to people begging on the streets either so maybe I am just a bad egg all the way around.

Regardless of how it happened I still have to say:

Plagirist = bad

And the invisible Mr. Hill may have already paved his road to hell but I fail to see how Mary isn’t far behind. No matter what story you decide to swallow…