Odd duck out
Noticing the comments (yeah should have looked there huh) there is a placeholder….

still no site…

This makes baby jesus cry. Just saying.

First posted Aug 4, 2007. No Website. Not much info as you can see below.

Three months later… and that hasn’t changed a bit. Except I have a mock up of the book, which has a cover. And now am annoyed so I will read it later after I am not so annoyed. Sorry that tends to screw with my enjoyment of the book.

go figure…

WEBSITES! Information about your books…. yes nifty idea no? I know, I know but the book doesn’t come out for 4 months. So why in the world would it be a good idea to get your name out there. Cuz readers don’t need to know about upcoming debut books.

Seriously people, make it hard to find info about you and all it does it make me move on to the next person. Now I admit I an decidedly not the ‘normal’ reader. But that everyday reader is more likely to pick up that Nora Roberts, Elizabeth Lowell, Linda Howard or whoever reissue from 10 years ago because they know of the name than a newbie author.

Or am I wrong about that? TT isn’t that big of a subgenre is it? Debut authors have a hard time breaking into the world… no?

First posted Aug 4, 2007

from Celtic Hearts Romance Writers:

Veronica Wolff has two books coming out with Berkley next year. They’re both time-travel romances set in 17th century Scotland: MASTER OF THE HIGHLANDS, based on the real-life laird Ewen Cameron, and SWORD OF THE HIGHLANDS, based on the life of James Graham, Marquis of Montrose.

I am very eh on time-travel but will try and remember to upload the cover later if anyone is interested. Hell to be honest I don’t recall seeing it but I may have passed over it cuz of the TT thing. Although to be fair I have read some TT I liked.

No website for Veronica Wolff and if she is the chicka who hangs at fog city divas who knows when she will get a website. ::coughMonicaMcCartycough::