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Lover Enshrined
Looks like Phury’s book Lover Enshrined, is being pushed back. It will hit the shelves on June 3, 2008 now (it was April 2008).

I am not sure if this is because of the reaction to LOVER UNBOUND, the new series J.R. Ward is starting, or the current SSE series she is doing (which rocks) . The BDB Compendium is still on schedule for Fall 2007. (Doesn’t Kenyon have one coming out too? Or is that this fall? I forget.)

Personally, I hope this means LOVER ENSHRINED will be great. Maybe the quick publishing schedule played into LOVER UNBOUND not being the best it could have been. What do you guys think?

If you register for J.R. Ward’s Yahoo Group or Message Board I am sure there will be more info.