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I just found out that one of my favorite authors died. It’s not a romance author, but back in my high school days I read this author’s books. I was on message boards and RPGs. I even wrote fan fiction. Needless to say Sybil had the X-Files and I had the Wheel of Time. Not that I knew Sybil at the time, but it’s just the comparison that I can think of at the moment because the Wheel of Time was my world.

Robert Jordan, the author, has been suffering from some sort of illness for quite a while now, I don’t know the particulars, but my heart goes out to his family and the fellow fans out there as he and his works will be missed.

Though I know it’s a romance blog and Robert Jordan was a fantasy writer, elements of his novels could have fit so well into the world of romance. For you, Robert Jordan, I say requiem aeternam.

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