stealth_duck.JPGIt is raining here… again… which does horrid things to my migraines.

And I had a friend pop up from Mexico, soon to be “from” maldives. I think that is where it is. All I know is to get there you must take a sea plane and there is NOTHING on the island but the hotel.

No shit. I told her she should start reviewing books for me *g*. Anyhoo so Sunday night was a wash and Monday I started to feel like death. To the tune of I came home, crashed only to be wake up around 10:30pm hearing banging on my door and window.

Now I thought it was the above mentioned friend. So I run to door, see no one in the peephole, open the door to yell at her to come back… yes… my excuse here is I wasn’t really ‘awake’ yet.

No it wasn’t my friend. I turn to see my father leaning over the rail, trying I guess to see if the light was on in my apartment. He is in full uniform, as it is nightnight time and my daddy is a cop. The conversation went something like:

me: What in the hell are you doing?
daddy: Call your mother.
me: huh?
daddy: Call your mother. (looking oh so unamused)
me: I thought you were ___?
daddy: Soooo you just opened the door in the middle of the night not knowing who it was…
me: uh, I thought you were ___! And I was sleeping!
daddy: You were asleep?
me: YES! It is the middle of the night!
daddy: (walking away) Call your mom she can’t get ahold of you, she is worried.

I have no clue how long he had been at my door. I go back in call my mom, who is frantic. Had been calling since 6 pm, as well as my lil sis (who wanted to make sure I had paid something online for her) and really, really… mom should NOT BE ALLOWED to watch tv. There were 15 missed calls on my cell phone (which had been in the pocket of my jeans) and another 7 or so on my phone.

The moral of this story… beside not letting my mother watch Dateline or something like it. I just deleted around 150 spam comments. Too many to look though… so if you posted something and it isn’t up. Repost.