Oh my goodness, even though I love being a teacher, I don’t like the first week of school. It’s long, intimidating (for the students and for me) and filled with bureaucratic mess that I don’t want to deal with.

And I don’t get to read much either.

I’m very sad about this. 🙁

Book CoverHopefully I’ll get into a routine soon and I can get back to reading and reviewing, but for the next week or so. . .Gwen and Syb are the good girls putting up posts. That is, if I don’t get the three reviews up that I can do on this nice and wonderful three day weekend.

<--------In other things to keep people entertained, isn't this cool? Danica McKellar (aka Winne Cooper from the Wonder Years) has written a book about math. It definitely kicks that idea that child stars don’t grow up to be successful or aren’t smart out the window. McKellar has a degree in Math from UCLA and proposed some sort of new math theorem. I’m a humble history teacher, so I know that I don’t understand it, but it’s nice to see someone famous there helping people with more than just some random social cause. Go Danica McKellar!