Ducks in an Ocean
Just a note….

We tend to get about 50200 to 500+ spam comments a day. I try to keep up with it because one in maybe 60 are real comments. But when it gets to be pages I tend to delete it because they are llllllooooooonnnnnnngggggggggg.

If you have made a comment and it never showed ten to one that is what happened to it. It takes a hella lot for me to delete a comment unless it is spamilous.

Feel free to repost or to send me an email and let me know your comments aren’t showing. I know my email isn’t up anywhere and I am working on fixing that… sorry… blog in progress and all that… but you can email me at redwyne @ redwyne . com (no spaces).

Of course why we are talking about it. What is the purpose of spam? I mean really. Is someone out there clicking on this shit and buying things? I find it hard to believe that is true. Is it just the rush of seeing if you can get your crap out there? WHAT? I just don’t get it.
devil duckie
fuckwits (tm karens)

keep in mind… I have it on good authority… spammers burn in hell… and not the good part…

And while we are on the subject (again as I first posted this in April 07) does anyone have a nifty wordpress plug in to suggest that might help kill spammers and put them out of my misery? Fine… just killing the spam or at least making it show as spam and not post would be fine.

If you see a funky comment (a few numbers and letters mixed with links in the comment that have nothing to do with the post, random NICE site!, Thanks! or my personal fave Sorry 🙁 with a shit load of links) in a thread do not clicky clicky on anything in the comment. More often than not it will just be shitty spammy links but as I have moderated a message board with a super freak with too much time on his hands they can hide all sorts of freaky shit (viruses to kill your computer, grab your passwords and more much more) in that stuff. I always thought most people knew don’t open icky spam but as my boss likes to open it and laugh (don’t ask) I just thought I would remind people. And really you should change your passwords every few months, the first time he attacked our board he was able to grab a 100s of peoples passwords. He was able to attack the board again and again because people WOULD NOT change their fucking passwords.

nasty nasty crap I tell ya… so see shiloh, spammers really do go to hell 😉