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I’ve gotten into an interesting habit on Mondays, at least during the summer. I get some dinner, or buy some groceries, go to my mother’s house and we watch some Star Trek that she’s TiVoed (oh Capt. Kirk, how lovely you and your intrepid crew are) and we talk about the generalities of life that have pissed us off over the past week. At least until 8 o’clock.

That’s when The Closer starts and we have some fun watching Brenda Leigh Johnson (played so well by Kyra Sedgwick) deal with life in L.A. in her very Southern way. I think of it kind of like Columbo (who my mother also loves), but more modern and with sugar instead of cigars. Brenda does get those little epiphany moments, just like good ol’ Peter Falk in a trench coat, but she’s got that modern pizzazz.

Book CoverOver time Mom and I have fallen in love with Fritz (Jon Tenny), Brenda’s FBI Special Agent beau. We’ve laughed at the overt chauvinism of Lt. Provenza (G. W. Bailey) and his partner in crime, Lt. Flynn (Tony Denison). We’ve watched Sgt. Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) grow as a person and a politician. And get involved with Det. Daniels (Gina Rivera).

We’ve cringed over Chief Pope’s (J. K. Simmons) divorce and the fact that he loves Brenda but knows he has no chance with her. He did already break her heart once after all.

We both love Lt. Tao (Michael Paul Chan), especially since he’s the link to the forensics side of the show, and we’re suckers for that CSI type stuff. And Tao did such a great job in the last episode too. Made us proud. And Det. Sanchez (Raymond Cruz), who we’ve decided wants Det. Daniels, but just couldn’t get there with her. I’ve got to say his street smarts with the gangs is a little bit of a turn on for me. But I don’t let my Momma know.

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And Buzz (Phillip P. Keene), the communications guru that helps Brenda. But her life is not all wine and roses, for even in a wonderful supporting cast there’s a rotten tomato. Cmdr. Taylor (Robert Gossett) is a great foil of L.A. snobbery for Brenda’s Southern charm.

This season it’s been interesting dealing with Brenda’s family. She and Fritz are engaged (recently) and have been looking for a house. Brenda has also recently told her parents that she’s engaged while they’ve been down from Georgia visiting. Her parents are a hoot (but I’m glad mine aren’t that way) and hopefully next season we’ll see more from the Johnson family tree, since she’s got brothers.

It’s only two episodes until the finale and I’ve got to say it’s been a fun summer so far with Brenda Leigh.

Any other Closer fanatics out there?