McKadestealth_duck.JPG Maureen McKade takes a few minutes to answer Sybil’s burning questions.  Add yours to the Comments – Maureen will be around today to respond…


small qmarkDo you think the climate is any different for westerns today vs. where they were a year ago?

Western romances have always had a core group of loyal–though not particularly high–number of readers and they’ve kept the westerns alive. Speaking with some booksellers at RWA last month, I found that they have seen some increase in western romance sales over the past year. IMO, after reading one type of romance for a length of time–like the more popular paranormal or Regency or romantic suspense–readers like a change, and some are checking out the western romances for the first time. (And I hope liking them!)

small qmarkHave you discovered anything about the Forrester’s brothers that you didn’t plan on, like they have a sister, and you will write her book after A Reason to Sin?  Hey, I can hope.

Sorry, no sister in sight. However, I believe there are some little Forresters running around at the end of each book…

small qmarkOut of all of your books, do you have one that is a favorite?  Is there a book that stands out in your mind?

  It’s usually the one I’m working on.   :)  I don’t have a favorite, per se, but if I would choose the most emotional, it would be A Reason to Live. For the most adventurous, To Find You Again. For the best verbal sparring, Arouse Suspicion.  And I have to put Winter Hearts in the mix simply because it was the first book that I ever wrote.

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small qmarkI know you don’t read westerns while working on one, so what do you have on your TBR pile? Do you wait until you have completed a series to read another?  Any can’t miss books you would recommend?

I’ve got Elizabeth Vaughan’s Warlord on top of my pile. That’s the third book of a trilogy and I have read other books between the series books. I have to admit that I prefer to read all the books in a series one right after another, and I’m usually so far behind that it’s not a problem.  🙂  I have the first two books of Robin Hobb’s new series — The Soldier Son Trilogy — and am probably going to wait until the final one is released in February to read them. Just a few more on my TBR pile — Cheryl St. John’s The Preacher’s Daughter, Pamela Clare’s Ride the Fire, and Tamera Alexander’s Remembered (another series book). As for guilty pleasures, I enjoy Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files and I’m a sucker for a CSI (Las Vegas) paperback.

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What would you like to know about Maureen, her characters, what cover model she’d most like to be lost on a desert island with?Â