Historical… last and best?

Tweet What is the last Historical romance you read? Did you like it? Would you recommend it? What is the last historical romance you read that BLEW YOU AWAY. I was just asked for a list of some books. And threw a few together and after the first thought hell there...

Review: Sleepless at Midnight by Jacquie D’Alessandro

Tweet Lawson’s review of Sleepless at Midnight by Jacquie D’Alessandro Historical Romance released by Avon 26 Jun 07 What qualities do you look for in the Perfect Man? Would you mix and match features and personality traits from the men you know or would...

REVIEW: Scent of Darkness by Christina Dodd

Tweet Gwen’s review of Scent of Darkness (Darkness Chosen, Book 1) by Christina Dodd Contemporary paranormal romance released 3 Jul 07 by Signet This paranormal is set in modern day Napa Valley and western Washington state’s Cascade Mountains (presumably...