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As I have mentioned once or twice JuliaQ has an awesome website with a great FAQ. Do check it out if you haven’t already.

1. When you wrote your first Bridgerton Novel, The Duke and I, did you plan to write 8 books? 6 years seems like an amazingly long time to be writing about one family.

No. I have no idea why I gave Daphne seven brothers and sisters. I was aiming for a trilogy.

2. Did you know their stories from the get go or did plans for different characters change as you wrote each book?

Not only did I not know everyone’s story, I didn’t even have plans for them that could change. I know that some authors have their next dozen books all plotted out, but I’m not one of them. I wish I were.

3. As an author is it difficult to read criticism about your novels? Do you read reviews or online Message Boards?

I do. For me, a big part of being a writer is being read. I like to know what people think of my work. I don’t find it hard to read criticism, actually, as long as it doesn’t get personal.

4. Where did you put your RITA? Were you surprised to win for On the Way to the Wedding? LOL or is that one of those questions an author can’t honestly answer *g*.

I was surprised! Weren’t you there? Seriously, I think anyone who saw my acceptance speech would know I was not expecting to win.

Rita’s on my fireplace mantel, btw. I’m not sure if that’s going to be her permanent residence, but for now she looks great.

5. Are you going to write books for other secondary characters from earlier novels? You know for say… Brighter Than the Sun? Do you hate those questions? Or is that something you haven’t had a lot of since you have been writing a family series?

I don’t hate those questions at all, except that I usually don’t have a satisfactory answer. I probably won’t revisit the characters from my earlier books, but I’ve learned never to say never.

6. Is Secret Diaries a stand alone book, or will it be tied in with your next books?

Right now it’s a stand alone. When I wrote the first version of Secret Diaries I absolutely planned to write a book for Olivia, and I still might, but I have some other projects I want to do first.

7. Has it been tough to move on after you’ve finished any of your books?

I have trouble starting any project, but that’s mostly because I’m lazy and undisciplined. It has nothing to do with whatever I was working on before.

8. If you wrote in another setting or time period what would it be? Any chance that we will see it? Please don’t say paranormal.

You’ll know I was pressured to write a paranormal when you read a ballroom scene and one of my characters suddenly says, “Look! There goes a werewolf!” Right now I’m enjoying what I’m doing, so I’m sticking with it.

9. If you could retire two words from Romanceland, what would they be?

TSTL and Avonization.

10. Do you plot out your books with other writers or CPs? Does anyone see your work before it is done. Or are you the type doesn’t like anyone to see your work until you type out THE END.

I work solo. I don’t think I’d be a very effective member of a critique group. Which is interesting, because I very much enjoy collaborative projects.

Have a question for Julia… ask away in this thread. She should be popping in and out today. And if you post late I will email them to her.