Today is an author day… Shannon McKenna!!! In case you have missed that news.
I was going to post about some authors yesterday and the next recap post but I decided to fall asleep instead. Sorry I suck!
So I will post some tonight (late) and start up again tomorrow as well. To echo others it really was a great conference and everyone (almost) seemed so up beat, welcoming and nice. Well I guess not the ones emailing some authors at home – go see karens for more on that silly stuff.
OH! I guess I could post about sitting in the bar with HelenKay, Sylvia and Kate Duffy. That sort of fits the day…. you have not lived until you have seen Sylvia Day dance on a table.
I have to say THANKS again to gwen and lawson for keeping the blog going while I was in Dallas. Those two are all sorts of shades of amazing. And since gwen was the bestest and formated most of the posts that will go up in a min.
It was great meeting you! I’m still in awe of your hair. It’s so beautiful. Will you be in San Fran, too?
Sybil! You met The Sylvia Day AND DIDN’T TELL ME??!! (insert gasping and sputtering sound) Oh, well, you may have and it got lost amongst the pho and eggrolls. But damn I would have caught that in the convo, wouldn’t I?
Sylvia – I want my very own Christopher St. John to have and to keep and to hold and to snuggle and… and, well, you get the picture. Got any extras hanging around?
LOL sorry gwen… yes I did and I told her how much you loveseses her books!
Honest! I did.
I am planning on going Sylvia! Now just to figure out how to pay for it 😉
Hi Gwen,
I hope I get a chance to meet you, too! Again, thank you for the lovely review. I’m grateful and so happy you enjoyed the book. 🙂
Extra Christophers… hmm… He’s rather unique, I’m afraid. You might find Simon appealing. Or Wulfric. 😉
I must have had way more to drink than I thought last Friday because I missed the whole Sylvia table dancing thing. Darn it! That would have been such good blackmail material had I gotten a photo…