
As much as fun as the retro reviews are, I feel I need to post something else. I was so very happy when Sybil called me earlier from the Avon signing. She’s getting me books from various authors that make me go ssssqqqquuueeee! I know Avon isn’t everyone’s thing, but they do have some great authors and there are lots of great books out there.

I’ve got to say though the hardest part of the whole thing was fending off my three year-old nephew who thinks that if someone around him is on the phone, he’s got to talk on the phone too. So while Syb is handing off the phone to Elizabeth Boyle, Jaci Burton, and Kathryn Smith, I’m trying to keep my nephew quiet and chat up authors at the same time. Fun stuff, let me tell you.


In other news, obviously Syb is having a great time in Dallas and thus is getting way too busy to post things for those of us ducks who are left at home. But Jane over at Dear Author is being much more timely in posting things so I’m sure if you haven’t been checking there for scoop, you should be clicking over there now. 🙂

Oh, and I love Syb for going and getting me books! She rocks! 😀