Well, RWA is off in full swing and it’s rather quite around here. Sybil is off doing her thing, getting swag and having an all around good time in Dallas. I’m not entirely sure where Gwen is. . .hopefully off reading things to get reviews up. And here I am posting something so that it’s not so. . .quiet.

Lawson crazy_in_lost at affairedevanite
Sybil, as we can all see, I’m not.

But I’m going to try at least. So there will be reviews going up in the mornings, and maybe retro reviews in the afternoons. What would that be you ask? I know that Syb is meeting with several of everyone’s favorite authors and I was thinking of reviewing some of their older books and putting those up. It will give me something to do at least, and our dear readers something to read.


I’m sure Sybil will be posting things from Dallas as well, but I’m not sure on how often. So in the meantime, are there any books that anyone would like to see a retro review of? I may not have Sybil’s massive collection of books, but I have read quite a few. Or if I haven’t read one you want to see, maybe Gwen has? Leave a comment and let me know!