oh_no.JPGJaid sez the stupidity behind the blog silent screams behind bars was not hers. Oh no no no some mean ol blogger… set it up.

Yes kids, someone was oh so mean to take that sad excuse of an interview the old jaynier did (she is now a kinder gentler blogger) and showcased it on a blog to….

Why would someone do that? I mean really, does Jaid need more help to showcase her… err talents? If you said YES! Allow me to direct you to bloglands newest trainwreck hmm well that one has already been deleted so try this link.

Or hit the highlights at anne’s place.

So where was I? Oh yes! After the newest hat trick didn’t work the EC PR machine has shaken the 8 ball and come up with someone created and then deleted a blog to mock Jaid Black. (which is like shooting fish in a barrel… ::pause for sick joke I am not even tasteless enough to make::)

Now the question seems to be WHY would someone create it to delete it if they were trying to hurt someone who goes out of her way to fuck her own rep? My vote would be they wouldn’t and I call bullshit. But I have been wrong before… maybe I am again… (interesting PS on der’s blog)

Of course I am still giggling over the comment that they broke the rule to tell her about it… LOL cuz you know black has NO CLUE what is going on in romanceland. Why would the owner of an epublishing company keep up with the internet? That there is crazy talk!

Oh what will they think of next?