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evolcats.jpgYou have prolly heard by now, Jaynier is back.

Who is that you ask? She is a long time reader who was once upon a time thick with the ebook crowd, liked to dish and didn’t have a PC bone in her body. And we liked her that way *g*
The duck dreame_waever (One for the money quote)
But that thing happened… you know… nifty peep crosses over to the darkside. They become apart of the publishing world. And like any good worker bee, she killed her blog. Went into hiding. And went to work.

Well now she has washed that crazy right out of her hair and she is back in romanceville. But none of that is the ironic part (ok, the crazy warning people to remember insane authors talking smack about other authors are really lying whores – while talking smack about another author – is funny, ironic shit). BUT The funny here is the person who was smart enough to stay out of blogland and keep her nose clean wants your gossip.

She is restarting(?) her Wednesday Whisper. I thought it was fun but sadly it looks like a blind items so it is romancelands own vent club and that sucks. It opens room for people to make shit up like that author who hates them, is really a pain pill addicted, alcoholic.
I care by ktblle
So do as she says and not as she did and send her your goss. And she will vent it out for you. We will watch, piece it together and out your ass. You will be ruined and never eat lunch in romanceland again but dude you will have amused us and after all isn’t that all that really matters?