I have posted once or twice *g* about contemporary covers on historical novels. So this will be an easy contest… give me your thoughts on dressing up historicals in contemporary clothing.

Or tell us about a book you bought expecting a contemp and getting history. Did you like it? Did you put it aside for another day? If it upset you what did you do? Throw it? Return it?

OR just cuz I am such an easy girl, give us a title of a historical with a contemporary cover.

Post until Sunday June 10 @ midnight CST. The winner will win a brand spanking new copy of TO LOVE A SCOUNDREL by Kristina Cook. Donated to the blog by Kensington aka the book is not signed.

But!!!! If you want to wait until after RWA in Dallas, Kristina has oh so nicely agreed to sign it for the winner. Good Luck! (hell I just gave you three answers right there *g*)