Book CoverSusan Kay Law1
I started stalking Susan Kay Law website the second I saw in the coming soon section there would be a new book and yes, it was historical. And that was it, other than stay tuned. Like a good fan I joined her newsletter and crossed my fingers hoping it was a western. And waited. And waited.

Later there was BIG NEWS, things had changed and the next book would be a new direction for her, a new publisher and not historical. I posted, pouted and hoped for anything but Women’s Fiction, which is of course what it turned out to be. I decided not to read it cuz I am not a fan of women’s fiction, wanted a western, and was busy pouting.

Of course, I changed my mind, read the book a few months ago and Susan Kay Law was delightful enough to take time before her trip to answer some questions for us. Check out the end of the interview for Susan’s addition to a kickin’ summer.

small qmarkWhen you sat down to write Just Sex, did you have any clear idea of where you were going? Do you feel you achieved your goals and wrote the book you wanted to? Is there anything you would do differently now or feel you could have done better?

I never have a clear idea when I sit down to write. Though I did know a bit about what I wanted to explore. I wanted to play with the idea of whether sex can be just sex, or if it’s always something more, or whether we always want it to be.

Also, I was working off the idea of this woman who thought she’d done everything right, who’d made all the right choices and worked really hard, and her life got all messed up anyway. What next? How do you go on, find new dreams, and find enough in you to keep going?

I’m pretty pleased with the book. I wouldn’t have minded a few more pages at the end; I think the last thirty pages or so might have been better expanded to forty or fifty.

small qmarkAny chance of seeing these characters again because your ending is cruel. No really, you are a cruel, cruel woman and the only thing that saves it is the fact it fits the book perfectly (but ten or more pages would have fit it too *g*). Your writing is flat out wonderful and trust me I didn’t want to like this book. I would have been happy to pout and say back to westerns with you, which I will do anyway.

No current plans. Maybe I’ll write one of those “after the book” things for the website.

It just seemed like the right ending. Especially since one of the things that Ellen had to learn was that she can’t plan everything out and expect it to go according to plan.

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This is your first contemporary novel or at least the first one you have published. What did you find different about the process? Do you think Just Sex was harder (pun intended 😉 ) to write than your American Historicals?

Oh, yeah, it was harder. Mostly because it was like: “yippee! I have no limits. I can write whatever I want.” And then “Crap! I have no limits.

Mostly, it’s just that in romance, I know where I’m going. What to include is obvious: whatever moves forward the relationship between these two people. In Just Sex, it was harder to decide what was important to keep and what I could leave out.

small qmarkDid you pick the title? Are you happy with it? And what about that tag… “Ellen just got handed the dream of half of the wives in America-her husband told her to have an affair.

Yeah, it was my title. It comes from the first line. It fits the book. Though I have to say I didn’t think it through all that much. I was at my publisher’s party at RWA, and met a young editor, and we were having a nice chat. After a couple of minutes, she stopped in mid-sentence, her jaw dropped, and she said – quite loudly – “You’re the just sex woman!”

There’s no way I can live up to that.

small qmarkI have to tell you, if you haven’t already seen the post, I find that thought just so down right depressing. Is that really what every married woman wants?

When people read the book they’ll discover it’s not the heroine who says that, it’s her unattached and sexually adventurous best friend.

The heroine disagrees with her.

As to why they pulled out that line . . . I think just because it’s catchy. And because it sparks discussion, which is always a good thing.

small qmarkNow that you have written the book, edited, edited, edited and all that you authors do to get to “The End”… how do you feel about the term “Just Sex“?

My own personal opinion?

Yes, I think it can be “just sex” for some people. Probably not for me, though, and I really wouldn’t want it to. I like that it matters.

small qmarkYou have completely jazzed up your site and cover photo to reflect a bolder, more contemporary Susan Kay Law. Is that something you meant to do? How do you feel about ‘branding’.

Yes, that was intentional. I loved my old website, and it fit those books; it was warm and cozy and very Americana. But the new books are contemporary and a little more sophisticated and urban. I wanted the website to reflect that. I didn’t want anybody to pick up the new book with the expectation that it was just like the old ones. I love those books, don’t get me wrong, but I think expectations are important. It can be a great book, but if it’s not what you’re in the mood for, it’s not going to hit the spot.

That’s the tricky thing about branding. You want to set up reader expectations, so they’ll pick you up when they’re looking for a certain experience. But as a writer you want to leave yourself some room to be creative and to try different things. Not to mention I don’t think most of us are very good at judging our own work, at figuring out what it is that readers respond to and sets us apart from everyone else.

small qmarkCan you tell us about The Paper Marriage. I am assuming this is another contemporary novel.

Can we have a hint?

It’s about a woman whose husband has been in a coma for twelve years. She’s essentially been in stasis that whole time, unable to move forward or back, and then a guy and his troubled teenage daughter move in next door and it jolts her out of her narrow little space.

That makes it sound much more serious than it is, though. Serious theme, but not a particularly serious approach. Her mother and mother-in-law are both around, too, and you could not find two more different people.

That’s the one thing I really love about doing this kind of book: the freedom to truly explore other important relationship in the protagonist’s life.

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When are you going to turn in a western to Berkley? You know they print those there… Do we have any hope of seeing you again in American historical form? Don’t just toy with us! Really it doesn’t HAVE to be Berkley, we are open to any publisher. No, really we are.

Sigh. I’d love to write another western, In the best of all possible worlds I’d do both, though I honestly don’t know if I write fast enough.

But the bald truth is that, right now, publishers don’t see any room for growth in American historicals. It’s a vicious circle; they’ll publish them, but they won’t sell them in with enthusiasm, or put much promotion behind them, making a purely business decision to use their resources on the type of books they believe have an upside.

But of course, when published without support, it’s no surprise that the books don’t show sales growth.

It’s awfully frustrating for a writer. Imagine liking your job, and being told you can continue to do it, but don’t ever expect a raise or promotion. So I chose to write something where I could get some publisher support. And I’ve always kept a file of ideas that don’t fit into historical romance. It’s fun to finally be able to write those books.

Susan will try and pop in to answer some questions, if she misses you, I will email them and post a follow up later. And she is giving away a copy of Just Sex! And not to give anything away, I was happy with the end, and think most romance readers would be as well. Try it! You just might be surprised how much you like it.

The winner will be picked from the comments in the post and will close Saturday June 9 @ midnight CST. I will email the winner (so leave an addy if you want to enter and don’t leave one if you don’t want to enter). If you already have the book or women’s fiction isn’t your bag, you are more than welcome to ‘gift’ the prize, in other words historical fans are welcome to comment and ask questions *g*. I forgot to ask if this is US only, so for now assume it is and I will follow up with Susan.

June RedbookBook Cover
You can find an excerpt for Just Sex here or in the June Redbook as a Red Hot Read. Very nifty!

Thanks again to Susan for being so nice and willing to answer questions at the last minute!