Because vampires are beautiful people, too.

lurve train gifYou might have seen these posts around — my campaign to get Colin Ames-Beaumont on the cover of People Magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive” issue.

And you might have thought: has this Meljean person lost her fricking mind?

Considering that she’s had a caffeine IV for the last month and is on deadline and is talking about herself in the third person, the answer to that probably is an unqualified “yes” — but that’s really beside the point. The L.U.R.V.E. Train isn’t about trying to get Colin on the cover (after all, his picture can’t be taken) but just getting the word out, and giving readers a chance to win copies of the book, or one of several Amazon gift certificates. Even if you aren’t interested in Demon Moon, those gift certificates can help buy all of the other fantastic books coming out, and that Sybil often teases us about on her blog.

lurvetrainbutton2But memes can be boring — seeing the same post over and over, without adding anything to it. So you can enter either by posting the nomination that I’ve already typed up, or by nominating your favorite vampire instead of Colin. (And, you know, I’m flexible — mostly I’m hoping to distribute the excerpt, because I think the story sells itself better than anything else possibly could. So if you happen to nominate a vampire but don’t follow the meme exactly (so you don’t feel it looks like an ad, which I also find I’m pretty resistant to) but have, say, a link to the PDF excerpt and to the L.U.R.V.E. Train in whatever post you make, I’m pretty easy.)

Who would I nominate, if I wasn’t in lurve with Colin? That’s easy — Lestat. That is, Lestat from THE VAMPIRE LESTAT and THE QUEEN OF THE DAMNED; not so much the Lestat from that point forth in the Vampire Chronicles, although he certainly had his moments along the way.

lurvetrainbutton1So who’s your favorite vampire? Even if you’re on vampire overload right now, looking back — who has been one that knocked your socks off, or sucked you into the paranormal genre?