sand-castles.JPGHELP!! SCHOOL IS OUT and SUMMER IS HERE and I have NO IDEA what to do!

Summer – ain’t it grand?  Perhaps.  If you’re a KID.  I say this because my slightly less than an acre yard is chock-full of both knee- and ankle-biters (that’s kids and dogs, to the uninitiated).  My daughter has what seems like the whole neighborhood here, playing one game or another.  The dogs couldn’t be happier – all these kids to chase.  I’d say the age range is 5-12, so it’s NOISY.  It seems like every time I look out there, there’s another kid!

How did they end up in MY yard, you ask?  Two reasons:pool.JPG  the town pool is three blocks away (remember, small town here), so all the munchkins stop here on their way there; and one of the other moms got tired of the crowd in her yard, so she said, “Why don’t you go on over to Miss Gwen’s yard?”  Yes – that mom is an inch away from being permanently off my Christmas List and I already called saying, “I know your game!”  She just laughed an evil laugh and said, “Neener Neener Neener.”  (Yes, Lawson, I know karma is a bitch  :-)  ).surf.JPG

So here’s the reason for this post – I need your advice (first time mom here).  What do you do with your munchkins in the summer?  How many of you ship them off to summer camp?  What works the best for this age range (5-12)?  I’m going slowly insane trying to work from my home office with this many kids around.  How can I keep them, (1) out of trouble, (2) busy, and (3) healthy?

I’m looking forward to the day when “summer” means only lazy days, margaritas, and hammocks, instead of play dates, swimmer’s ear, and soccer practice.  I think all I need to do to make this bearable is find me a summer fling