A Duchesses Quickie

Tweet Lawson has a review coming up for, Desperate Duchesses, I have yet to finish it since she ran off with it. I know it makes me sad… Haven’t finished Adele’s last book either.  Can’t take your eye off Lawson for a second I tell ya....

Colin Ames-Beaumont…

Tweet Just more reasons to love Colin Ames-Beaumont… or is that just me? Since you asked… this is my fave: 19. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Achievement is such a plebian goal. If I must have an achievement of which to be proud, it is...

Review: Anchor and Storm by Kate Poole

Tweet Gwen’s review of Anchor and Storm by Kate Poole Historical erotic romance eBook released by Ellora’s Cave 4 Apr 07 A&S takes place in the Scottish lowlands four years after the Jacobites were routed at Culloden, roughly 30-years before our own...

Review: To the Rescue by Teri Thackston

Tweet To the Rescue by Teri Thackston Contemporary romance eBook published 1 Jun 07 by Cerridwen Press This is a short ebook about an author (shock and gasp, I know) who is dodging an ex-boyfriend and is being protected by a hunky Marshal (I know, more shock). ...

Review: Dolce & Diana by Cassidy Kent

Tweet Gwen’s review of Dolce & Diana by Cassidy Kent Contemporary romance eBook published 1 Mar 07 by Phaze This novella by Cassidy Kent revisits a character from her “Raleigh in Rio” novella, spunky fashionplate Diana.  She finally gets a...