not allYou may have wondered why it has been so quiet around here lately. Well lawson is busy with work and so is gwen… and well me? I have been working on a project! A grand project, a romantic one, dare I say it – an advanced one. A little history if you like…

It all started out on a cold, wet January night. A meeting of the minds, two everyday people working to uncover truth, justice and the American Way!

Well not really… unless a google chat can be called a meeting of the minds and it was a day in January but hey you guys are readers and writers. Don’t you think night brings up such a better image in your mind? And I am not really sure if you can count trying to figure out ways to take over publishing to bring back the Romance Historical as uncovering Truth and all that rot.

evolkatsBut really this is my story and I get to tell it. I never ever said I was a writer. Oh, fine damn it, you want the truth? You can’t handle the truth! Readers, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by people with internet connection and TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS. Who’s gonna do it? You?

oops sorry… see this is why I don’t watch much tv anymore…

Honestly, though that is what Jane and I had hoped for as we were chatting over a couple of days in January, in February, and March (when she got real, got tough and bought urls). We searched for the things we wanted and pretty much we found them but we wanted everything in one place.

purplenails by deathphobia
Tidy, nifty, easy for us to use… it would be grand… there would be light and music and sound and glitter with thoughts on just how much glitter was too much… ohhhhhh shiny

Then life got in the way, work (hers), kids (hers), family (hers) [jesus I suck] tis so sad. And our grand idea that arose out of the lol’s and omg’s of chat, was put aside… sadly maybe even put to rest. It brought tears to my eyes to see the words being typed out. But alas I carried on.

And then it happened after yet again sqqquuueeeing over books I had found that were coming out in fifty years. Jane called a halt! She called for focus! I think she even had some odd thing about why don’t we read the 2000 books we just got. I know she crazy because how could we focus! when there were all these nifty books we you needed to know we you needed!

How could we quietly stand down and go on our merry way when I YOU needed to know what romance novels were coming soon (soon being you know, uh loose term). And she agree! Ok really, I think she decided to go alone with the plan just to shut me up. She is sneaky like that. By the glory of OCD she coded her fingers to the bone, along with a merry band of reader blogger volunteer, we bring youRomantic Advances.

It isn’t even the GRAND PLAN but a small piece of it. Basically it puts the books we want to want, books you want to want, along with other books you may want that we have no idea why you would want them – in one place.

Romantic Advances
And that is how Romantic Advances came to be… See simple!

Would you like to know more? For that I direct you to Jane. Dude I am just an idea man, she is the brains of the outfit. But I will tell you this, we are so going to help you build your to be read mountains.

One. Book. At. A. Time.