The duck dreame_waever (One for the money quote)
Sarah of the Smart Bitches posted a forwarded email of a post from a private yahoo group yesterday to their blog. Their blog, their right, their rulz…

Personally I have issue with reposting anything from a private list that isn’t open to anyone to join. And plan to ramble on at length about that in a bit… but first my question.

It has been stated twice now you can google anything posted to a private yahoo group and find it in the google cache. No really… sarah even agreed and restated it:

:: snip ::
As was already pointed out, as far as I am concerned, if you post something to a YahooGroup you might as well make it public because it IS ACCESSIBLE via Google’s cache. Moderated group or not, it’s accessible by any random person on the internet.
:: snip ::
Posted by SB Sarah on 05/17 at 07:12 AM

wtf by ropo
Now my first response was bullshit. And the next was… really? hmm cool… Dude I have tried. I spent about an hour this morning and not a private cached did I see. So help a duckie out here because I am so willing to rethink my statement. And if anyone with google and a link can get it – sorry that isn’t private.

I have tried names that posted, sigs, quotes, links… not a post was able to crack. I know just about everyone knows of a private yahoo list they would lurve to stick their nose in… go try it.
devil duckie
I want proof. Post it or email it redwyne @ redwyne . com and it has to be locked – private – must be something you have to be invited into group. Not a author newletter you can sign up too.

If you are just clueless and not nary a yahoogroup to try, feel free to email me. I have tons of suggestions.