TVRemember romancenovel tv?

Is it a must see stop for you? I admit it isn’t for me for two reasons. I am odd but I expect a certain amount of honesty or maybe it is better to call it (to use a term I hate) full disclosure. A site that seems to present itself as by fans for fans has to have money backing it – from somewhere because the whole thing seems well moneyed. The layout was redone by a professional service, Buzzazz. They are shooting video, traveling; and, all in all, it is well put together.

Not having the info up at first isn’t a huge thing. The lack of ads, sponsership, or ‘donations’ could be something people don’t think their visitors have a right to know or could be an oversight.

But the biggest reason I haven’t been back other than the ‘programing’ didn’t interest me was when the question was put to them, they deleted it. Now this is a really be hot button for me. It prolly comes from moderating a message board for far too long but you don’t randomly delete shit just to avoid annoying questions. Or is it just because I am opinionated and it annoys me to have my words taken for no reason so I don’t like to see it done to others.
And well… if no one askes and no one tells… I think that is how you wind up with Falk in bed with a Lotus.

I posted about it and no one else seemed to care and well really not that many people seemed to think this was must see tv. Ok, fine, I have no memory and forgot about the site.
walking tv
Until today when I ran across a new site, Reader Entertainment TV. They aren’t ashamed of the fact they are apart of or at least in bed with Circle of Seven productions (they make book trailers, some of them are even good). And low and behold they have a page for sponsors (site is new so I shall forgive it is blank) and contact info. My god they even tell us:

Sponsorship opportunities are also available. For information on sponsoring portions of RECtv, please contact sales.

Quell Shock! So I thought gosh I bet I was too hard on ol romancenoveltv. And they prolly have the same nifty info up and I should be ashamed of myself. So off to the site I went…. they still have sound the moment you hit the site (unlike the RECTV) so you trying to mute it as your boss comes up to ask you a question.
The duck dreame_waever (One for the money quote)
uh I mean you might have this happen to you… WHAT?

The new layout is nifty (for that price I would hope so). They do tell you in advance to not use their shit. They do tell you that they will try and inform you before they collect your personal data and that your info could be used by their advertisers to spam you. And they do tell you how to contact them, as well as that you can advertise with them.

But still no disclosure on who is backing them so either they are making a killing on their amazon connect,, google pack ads and something on the top I can’t be arsed to click on to see what it is or the money is coming in from some where. OH! Or they are really romance novel heroines who have money. You don’t know why or where but it is there. Then again… someone has to be making coin off spam right?

What does this all mean? Nothing really, well maybe that I have too much time on my hands or that Jane shouldn’t leave me alone for long hours at a time. I must be watched at all hours don’t cha kew. Oh and that if you use romancenoveltv don’t be shocked if you end up raising your spam count.
Of course that does open the can to what is spam? What always comes to mind is viagra, asking you to help their country for 10% of the cut or asking you to come check out their new video ::wink wink::. But after a fairly long ranty rant from a dearly hiatus blogger I learned that no – spam is any unwanted email you get trying to get you to do something or buy something or click something. Even that nifty author who you heard of once whose mailing list is suddenly inviting you to things, when you never signed up – that. is. spam.

I know they do say love hurts but I think Reader Entertainment TV wins the time spot.