not all
No really. Someone needs to be an adult here and it is obviously not going to be me. We need a rule…


uh after the one on the 19th cuz that library always has really good books.
But after that! NO MORE!

Damn It I mean it! They see me and go look… a sucker… quick close that bag full of those ‘romance’ novels she will take it. And why is it the ‘friends’ of the library do not know that ROMANCE is a really big genre and that ‘those small books’ are harlequin categories.

Oh and good rule of thumb don’t be sneering at the books as you try to get rid of them. le sigh… I can not rescue all abused romance novels. God knows how many desires, harlequin presents and SSE I now have two or three times. Two sales… just two I ended up with 125? from that last one I think lawson took 5. And this one? Prolly 60 categories and they wanted me to take more. And a lot are new! Many I bought new and haven’t read!

One day I swear I will finish cataloging these books! Wendy did it, you would think she could come do mine. California… Texas… same diff

Now I will go finish the totally different book I already had started or and maybe announce some more winners since I have so many to do.