Midnight TemptationThere have been countless cases of authors behaving badly in blogland. Usually I’m horrified. I mean, I laugh, of course–how do you not laugh?–but I’m never dumb enough to say, “I’d never be that dumb.” Truth is, I’m pretty dumb. And the second you say you wouldn’t do something, you set a pot of crow to boil. You just gotta hope you have enough spice to make it taste good. These days, most of the bad behavior seen is because the Author/Reviewer relationship is being dragged through the mud and I keep wondering why.

Is it really the bruised feelings on the part of the authors? Could it truly be that all reviewers are evil incarnate who just want to bring someone down to feel better about themselves? Or is it just that this is a subjective genre and people are forgetting that?

I admit, when I grow frustrated with writing or my writing career, I generally get to wondering if maybe I could become a reviewer and have my revenge upon the industry. Well, it would look like revenge, anyway. Truth is I’m a bitch of epic proportions when it comes to book satisfaction and I’d come off as one of those playa’haters if I tried it. Not because I never like books. More because I need more than solid boink writing skills in my erotica. I need more than good jokes in my comedies. I want more than a chase in my suspense. I’m a romance fan. I need romance and how good in bed he is or how bad he wants his heroine in it with him never replaces my need for love to be forming. Oh, and giant erections are good and all, but if the guy hauling that sucker around isn’t kind, I don’t want to know him.

As you can see, this would not make me a popular reviewer with the current spate of trends.

I guess that I’m just not made for that side of the fence, but I have a pretty big appreciation for reviewers, even those that don’t like my work. They’re willing to put their names out there and say they don’t like something. They’re willing to say when they do, even against popular opinion. They put their names on it or at least their reputations. That takes balls and I respect that enormously. And yet, that respect leaves me in the minority as far as authors seem to go and again, I ask why? Is it unpopular to like reviewers? Is it unfair to make friends with ones you enjoy reading? Am I being a bad author for asking the question? Especially since I’m a relatively new author?
Betting Hearts

Am I behaving badly?

Probably not. But the questions are always valid. Will this strange apathy always been there? Will it continue or will it improve in a few years? Has it happened before or is it a product of new book markets opening up? Have eBooks upset the delicate balance of love and hate between reviewers and authors? Or is it just that blogging has made reviewing a bit easier for fans to do?

Anyone got any answers?