If you haven’t noticed…

Tweet The ever amazing, grand, wonderful and oh so smart Jane added a new search feature to teh blog. Look to your right ——————–> There is a google search which works EVER so better than the one that use to be on the top left....

Hot Karma

Tweet Karma Girl **OUT NOW** Bigtime, New York is not big enough for both Carmen Cole and the superheroes and ubervillains who walk its streets. An intrepid reporter, Carmen’s dedicated her life to unmasking the spandex wearers, all because her fiancé turned...

It was just 6pm… what happened?

Tweet This is what comes of not sleeping for three days, I came home yesterday to a shut down computer. Once it rebooted (and it is working again internet and all!) I put my lil head down and poof. I know… it isn’t like I don’t have three people who...