Jennifer EstepHot Mama
In my quest to be a better author (and achieve my ultimate dream of world domination), I thought I’d ask everyone out there to put on their reader’s hat for a moment.

Inquiring minds want to know …

Karma Girl

1) What keeps you coming back to your favorite author’s Web site? A blog? Extras from the book? Contests and giveaways?

Karma Girl

2) What do you think is the hot genre right now? Who are the hot authors? The ones you can’t wait to buy and read? And what the heck do I have to do to be one them (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Karma Girl

3) Are there plot lines you’re tired of? Are vampires on the way out?

Karma Girl

4) Is there something out there that you just absolutely refuse to read? Some character or plot device you hate? What is it?

Karma Girl

5) What’s the best book you’ve read this year?

Karma Girl

6) What gets you to try a new author? Reviews? Buzz? Ads in RT?

glittersyb by mlleelizabeth

One of the copies that Berkley is oh so kindly sending me will go to a random commenter in this post…

comment as many times as you like but you must answer a question.