No Humans Involved (Women of the Otherworld)
Kelley Armstrong is pretty excited to be back in hardcover but being the awesome person she is, sez I, she is doing something pretty nifty.

If you:

1) buy a hardcover of No Humans Involved before May 15

2) send the receipt and your return address to Kelley Armstrong

Kelley will send you a goodie bag! What is in a goodie bag you ask?

A selection of her promo stuff, including:
– a signed bookplate inscribed to you
– a full set of series bookmarks (one for each book)
– at least two other items from her goodie box, which includes:
– cushion-grip pens and regular pens
– glow-in-the-dark keychain penlights
– travel band-aid holders
– sticky notes
– magnets of the UK book covers

Every tenth bag will also get a random bigger goodie (T-shirt, mug, tote bag or signed book)

She says on her site:

It’d be great if you could just get it handed to you with your book purchase, but this is entirely my initiative, unconnected to my publisher or any bookstore, so you need to get the goodies from me.

HOW cool is that?