No Humans Involved
No Humans Involved by Kelley Armstrong

Jaime, who knows a thing or two about showbiz, is on a television shoot in Los Angeles when weird things start to happen. As a woman whose special talent is raising the dead, her threshold for weirdness is pretty high: she’s used to not only seeing dead people but hearing them speak to her in very emphatic terms. But for the first time in her life – as invisible hands brush her skin, unintelligible fragments of words are whispered into her ears, and beings move just at the corner of her eye – she knows what humans mean when they talk about being haunted.

She is determined to get to the bottom of these manifestations, but as she sets out to solve the mystery she has no idea how scary her investigation will get. As she digs into the dark underside of Los Angeles, she’ll need as much Otherworld help as she can get in order to survive, calling on her personal angel, Eve, and Hope, the well-meaning chaos demon. Jeremy, the alpha werewolf, is also by her side offering protection. And, Jaime hopes, maybe a little more than that.

Okay… this is a ‘return’ to Hardcover (hee I thought it was her first one) and I know that is a bitch and a half. If you are like some people you may want your books in HC but people like me hate them. They are expensive. They hurt if they hit you in the head. WHAT? Like you have never fallen asleep while trying to read “just one more chapter”. They don’t fit in your purse. They are expensive.

Personally I only purchase a few a year and always rebuy them when they come out in MM. So I know it is a lot to ask people to buy hardcover books. Not so much if it is an author you love but a new to you author? Yeah. And people, you know I hate it with a blue passion when the format is changed mid-series. HATE it. The books don’t match!

But I would honestly recommend this book – even in hardcover. If you are a fan of the series it is a must buy, must read, must have NOW. If you are a new reader, I would still recommend it. And again point you to her free reads to check out her style, her voice and to see if these are characters you want to spend time with.

I will have a review up later but until then I point you to Dear Author, Jane has a fabu review up…

Balance seems to be the theme of the book. Jeremy has to balance that Alpha pack duties with his desire to have a relationship with Jaime. It’s refreshing to see how adult the two handle their attraction, the consummation, and the future. Jaime has to balance her desire to help with her seeming need for fame. In the end, it’s clear that she makes the right decision for herself. Your books, at their best, are about more than just a really cool supernatural world and this one delivers with action, emotion, sexiness and suspense.

Or if you are an ebook reader Powell’s has it for sell. If you don’t mind reading hardcover Amazon has it for $13.60.

If you have read it already, what do you think? I would love to hear your opinon’s.