bunny bunny bunny

Please check out the sidebar. Jane We are messing around with it a touch because I have been and will prolly be ‘housing’ some exclusive stuff. (excerpt to Mine Til Midnight, Lisa Marie Rice stuff, excerpt for Lisa Valdez, Anna Campbell’s excerpt for Unbound)

WordPress has issues with their ‘search box’. (working on fixing that too – PLEASE let me know if you have found a work around) So my fear is readers will have a hard time finding nifty stuff once they fall off the front page.

Jane We added to the sidebar “HOUSE SPECIALS” which will be the nifty stuff. And I am trying to figure out what is the best way for people to be able to find old Guest Day’s stuff – posts, interviews and the like – until the evol search box thing is fixed.

If you are looking for just ‘reviews’ on the very top left click on ‘reviews’ (should work now). It will bring up reviews only.


let me know what you like
let me know what you don’t like
let me know what works for you
let me know what doesn’t work for you

And if you have any suggestions, wants or problems… post or email me [redwyne @ redwyne . com (no spaces)]. suggestion, wants or problems with the blog I can’t fix other stuff 😉

If you can please include what browser (and version) you are using it would be most helpful.