
Okay, so believe it or not, these really are the top five questions I get.

The Leopard Prince (Warner Forever)
Ready?Question 1: Are you going to write a book about Coral?

Answer: No, I’m sorry, but I don’t have any planned books for Coral (the prostitute in The Raven Prince) but if I should ever be asked to participate in an anthology (HINT) I do have a story ready for her.

The Leopard Prince (Warner Forever)
Question 2: What about Pearl (Coral’s sister in The Raven Prince)?

Answer: No.

So then The Leopard Prince hit the bookstores and I already knew I was in Big Author Trouble.
The Leopard Prince (Warner Forever)
Question 3: Are you going to write a book about Bennet (Harry’s brother in The Leopard Prince)?

Answer: No.

Question 4: Are you going to write a book about George’s brothers (Tony, Oscar & Ralph)?

Answer: No. (although for Tony see above answer to Coral.)

The Leopard Prince (Warner Forever)
Question 5: Are you going to write a book about Violet?

Answer: No.

Special Bonus Question 6: Are you going to write a book about Will (the eight-year-old child in The Leopard Prince)?

Answer: Dear god, no.

heeeeee that so makes me giggle… okay your turn… have a question for Elizabeth?

