You may recall a post a few weeks back about how female romance author can’t write as well as men. Turns out all our trouble with readers and reviewers has to do with the same issue, lack of penis!

who knew?

Well other than ‘vidman04’ who posts on Alison Kent blog to tell us silly women how to fix our problems.

Do you want me to tell you what the problem is? 99.9% of romance novelists AND reviewers of romance novels are women. Underneath your sweet smiles, you’re all just conniving, catty, sneaky bitches. That’s why you start anonymous blogs to write snaky (is that the right word?) reviews. You can’t do it as yourself and damage your precious, sweet reputations. Oh, and let’s not forget about the fact that one of those anonymous reviewers might be a closet writer herself and have to submit an MS to one of the very people she’s put down in the past.

Do you think the discussion you’ve been having would even take place in a male-dominated genre. Hell no! Because we say what we think, and we don’t give crap if Dan, Mac and Joe are still gonna love us at the end of the day.
That’s my take on it ladies.
I didn't think of the bunny
— Vidman04 3/31/2007

Now there are sooooooo many nifty things to poke at on this quote. I don’t even know where to start.

I guess we should visit fandom’s where men are many, you know like star trek, x-files, name any video game here or even the ever nifty netscape forum. Then we silly women should take notes so we can stop flame wars in romanceland.

If you have any questions feel free to contact him, since he isn’t anonymous and left a visable blog and or website to contact him at. Hell I am sure vidman is his real name! Cuz what real man would need to hide behind a fake name. Although ten would get you twenty if you google the name… that is him.

Since that was sarcasm and he didn’t leave an email or website but instead did the very manly thing of explaining the issue to the stupid women and running.