rita.jpgDear Jane had a nifty idea for a contest. No, really I did and do think it is nifty but I thought the timing sucked ass.

I am an odd duck like that maybe I have told you this before but I HATE, hate, hate it when people think they can tell me to do something and force my hand to do it.

Suggest… cool

Recommend… cool

Offer ideas… tres cool

Make me feel like I have to do something or I am a bad reader, bad person, bad something and well ten to one I will either toss my hair and be done with you or tell you to go fuck yourself. Sometimes BOTH!

So this is the perfect example of why Jane is a much better, smarter, dare I even say nicer person than moi. Of course the funny thing is I still get to say four lil words about the whole thing.

But I won’t. Often. Well I shall try. And in case you are like shiloh, sitting there going what in the fuck is she talking about… go here