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You may remember I blogged recently about Harlequin’s casting call. Well they did it and you can read about it here:

Harlequin books seeks “real men” for covers
reported by Reuters…

First they say:

“Some of the heroes are captains of industry, billionaires,” said Deborah Peterson, a Harlequin creative designer and a judge at the audition. “A lot of the models were too young, men in their twenties … and our audience likes men a little bit older, a bit bigger, than the runway models.”

And then we learn:

At the Toronto casting, chiseled hopefuls shed their shirts and donned a cowboy hat for the panel while a handful of other judges watched on closed-circuit camera in an adjacent room.

Because you know those billionaire captains of industry types are always running around with no shirts in their cowboy hats. le sigh… and we wonder why romance has the rep it does…